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What is the re-take ceiling?

splitter_sagasplitter_saga Free Trial Member
edited August 2018 in Law School Admissions 60 karma

Hi 7sagers, curious what y'alls opinion is on this - at what point is a test taker to be satisfied with where they are at and move on? I know it is in our future lawyers nature to never be satisfied with where we are at and always feel like we need a little more re-tuning. I am a sub 3.0 GPA applicant trying to gain admission to the T14 next cycle, I have a 173 LSAT on the books from December and am trying to decide if I should take another swing at this thing. I went -4LR/-3RC/-2LG, both LG's were rule substitutions..I was usually a -0/1 LG guy so that did bother me.

I'm not applying to the T6, so since I am already 3 or more points above everyone else's 75th LSAT line would a 174 or 175 really even open up more doors for me that a 173 wouldn't? The < 3.0 / >170 data on myLSN is so scanty that it is hard to know. Also even though I know schools now say it doesn't matter, I have a hard time believing that should I score in the 170-172 range on a re-take that that wouldn't lessen the luster of my 173 at least a little.

When is the point where we have pushed the LSAT boulder as far as it's going to help us, need to accept diminishing returns, and be at peace with it? I hear some people say that 175ish is the last milestone of the test that you can consistently train up to, beyond which you need a little luck of the draw on specific q's, so is this where y'all would place the re-take ceiling?

If I would've scored a 170/171 I would've retaken just to push up a few pts above those 75th lines of the non-T6, but now at a 173 am stuck between feeling like I should just be proud and grateful for what I have achieved, and also thinking well I am only those 2 LG pts away from a 175!

Thanks for any input!


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