@jschmi25 This is all i could find relating to canadian schools. It does look a little out of date but still fairly accurate. I doubt there is any predictor sites for Canadian schools.
Yes! I read the Economist, I fool-proofed the logic games from PT 1-30, and I did some logic puzzles out of a book written by George Summers. Also: read this: http://www.horace.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/How-to-Lie-With-Statistics-1954-Huff.pdf
@K S it does exist and it is AMAZING! you can find it at www.7sage.com/lawschool
The instructor is different (Larry) but he has the same teaching style as JY (funny but serious).
Here is the best cheat sheet ever: hundreds of hours (300 hours minimum) of 7 sage (www.7sage.com). It is guaranteed! Don't trust my word, just ask the law students at the top law schools.
Second Allison's suggestion. I think JY mentioned somewhere to get this watch: