This is my random thought. If I could get the LSAT sections line up in an order. This is an order that I wish it would be LR RC LR LG or RC LR LR LG. My reasoning is simple. I want to save my best stuff to close up and finish well. Much like a baseball ...
I just walked over to my study desk and had one of those moments where looking at it made me feel so happy. I just couldn't resist sharing a pic and seeing what you all think!
So I'm currently experience a bit of a loss of a sense of direction, post (completing) the core curriculum. I finished about a month ago and immediately began fullproofing afterwards. I definitely think it's helped a lot, especially ...
Here's a list of all of our current forum titles and their roles:
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These members are hand-picked by 7Sage staff (and the Students!). ⭐ ...
On **Thursday, July 12, at 9 p.m. ET,** I’ll walk you through the factors that affect your chances of admission. Afterwards, members of the 7Sage admissions team will field your questions.