I was between B/E and choose B because I immediately crossed out E b/c of the term HIGHLY productive which isn't stated in the stimulus (but E was right)
- can anyone explain this to me and also why E right over B Thanks :)
Has anyone else really had trouble with finding certain PT questions on the discussion board? I'll have a specific question, but I'll try searching it via the suggested format, just the PT, the question, etc. and more times than not nothing comes up, even ...
... clear why the answer is E; my guess is the point ... D. When I looked at E- I did want to choose ... (D) in order to do (E)? Also, does he in fact ...
Hey, I'm looking for an alternative to The Trainer's explanation of 29:4:20. Id like to see what Jy has to say about this question because im still having trouble eliminating e. How do I look up particular questions from a prep test?