I would be interested! I usually get -1 or -2 on LR and am having a hard time getting LG and RC down, so I’d love to connect with some of you who struggle with LR but have had success in other sections. We could maybe do a Zoom group?
Thanks for doing this! I was wondering if there's anyway you can post a recap or record what you teach on Zoom for the rest of us who can't make it? 8pm ET is 5pm where I am, so unfortunately I'll be working every Tuesday at that time. Thanks!
How do we want to do this? I have access to a Zoom account so we can meet on-line. But perhaps we can converse offline? my email is jcyling@gmail.com
A group of us are reviewing PT 89 the first section this evening. Maybe it will help enlighten you as to where you are going wrong? If you want to join message and I will give you the zoom link. It starts at 8 pm Pacific tonight.
I am also taking the August LSAT and working full time. Let’s connect and keep each other accountable! What platform works best for you, Seriously? We could do Zoom, Facebook... Is there an option on here?