... ! Just a reminder that Friday Zoom Link is separate than Monday ... />
Friday's Zoom Link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82350409168 ... />
Monday-Thursday Zoom Link is: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73042398721 ...
Hi- I sent you my email, but if I didn't make the cut off (if you limited the number) please let me know. Maybe others are in the same boat and we could form a sub group. I'm happy to host on zoom.
Would it be feasible to enlarge the display scaling to something like 175% within MacOS, and then zoom in and out even further within your web browser?
@suzanner81394 Hello! Yes you may! We are on tomorrow (Thursday) from 2-5pm EST! Here is the link: https://us04web.zoom.us/s/73042398721?pwd=VmJjNmMyWTh5TlJDMUR2WTlsN0FGQT09#success
@"Gul Sanga" Hello Gul! Yes you may! We are on now from 2-5pm EST! Here is the link: https://us04web.zoom.us/s/73042398721?pwd=VmJjNmMyWTh5TlJDMUR2WTlsN0FGQT09#success