If people refrained from being impolite to one another the condition of society would be greatly improved. But society would not be better off if the government enacted laws requiring people to be polite to each other. Enforcing such laws would create even more problems than does impoliteness.

Summarize Argument
The author concludes that society wouldn’t be better off if the government enacted laws requiring people to be polite each other. This is because enforcing these laws would lead to more problems than the problems created by people being impolite to each other.

Identify Argument Part
The referenced text is the conclusion of the argument.

It is the conclusion drawn by the argument as a whole.
This accurately describes the referenced text.
It is cited as evidence for the generalization that is the argument’s overall conclusion.
The referenced text is not cited as evidence. It is the conclusion.
It is cited as evidence for the assertion used to support the argument’s overall conclusion.
The referenced text is not cited as evidence. It is the conclusion.
It is cited as an illustration of a generalization that serves as the main premise of the argument.
The referenced text is not an illustration of another claim. It’s a conclusion reached based on the cost-benefit reasoning used by the author. Because enforcing laws against politeness creates more problems than impoliteness, society wouldn’t be better off with those laws.
It describes a phenomenon that the conclusion of the argument purports to explain.
The referenced text is the conclusion. The author is trying to prove that society wouldn’t be better off with laws against politeness.