Zoos have served both as educational resources and as entertainment. Unfortunately, removing animals from their natural habitats to stock the earliest zoos reduced certain species’ populations, endangering their survival. Today most new zoo animals are obtained from captive breeding programs, and many zoos now maintain breeding stocks for continued propagation of various species. This makes possible efforts to reestablish endangered species in the wild.

Zoos are both educational and entertaining. However, removing animals from their natural habitats to populate the earliest zoos caused some species’ populations to reduce and endangered their survival. Today, most new zoo animals are bred from captive breeding programs. These programs make possible efforts to restore populations of endangered species in the wild.

Strongly Supported Conclusions
At least some animals bred through captive breeding programs are of an endangered species.

Zoos have played an essential role in educating the public about endangered species.
We don’t know whether zoos have played an essential role or not. We only know that zoos have served as an educational resource. Additionally, we don’t know whether these educational resources were specific to endangered species.
Some specimens of endangered species are born and bred in zoos.
If captive breeding programs make reestablishing endangered species in the wild possible, it must be that zoos are breeding at least some species of endangered animals.
No zoos exploit wild animals or endanger the survival of species.
We don’t know whether there isn’t any zoo that exploits wild animals. We know that most new zoo animals are obtained through breeding programs, but not all of them.
Nearly all of the animals in zoos today were born in captivity.
We don’t know whether nearly all zoo animals were born in captivity. We know that most new zoo animals are obtained through breeding programs, but “most” could mean as little as 51 percent of animals.
The main purpose of zoos has shifted from entertainment to education.
We don’t know what would be the main purpose of zoos. We only know that they have served as educational resources and as entertainment.



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This question presumes knowledge of these lessons on Lawgic:


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Poppy petals function to attract pollinating insects. The pollination of a poppy flower triggers the release into that flower of a substance that causes its petals to wilt within one or two days. If the flower is not pollinated, the substance will not be released and the petals will remain fresh for a week or longer, as long as the plant can nourish them. Cutting an unpollinated poppy flower from the plant triggers the release into the flower of the same substance whose release is triggered by pollination.

Poppy petals attract pollinating insects. When a poppy flower is pollinated, a substance is released that causes the petals to wilt in one to two days. If a flower is not pollinated then if the plant can nourish the petals, they will remain fresh for a week or more and the substance is not released. Cutting an unpollinated poppy flower from the plant causes the same substance to be released that is released by pollination.

Strongly Supported Conclusions
Cutting a poppy flower from the plant can cause it to wilt even if it was not pollinated.

Pollinating insects are not attracted to wilted poppy flowers.
This is unsupported because the stimulus fails to provide us with any indication of what pollinating insects are drawn to or how the wilting flowers affect pollinators’ behavior.
Even if cut poppies are given all necessary nutrients, their petals will tend to wilt within a few days.
This is strongly supported because cutting poppy flowers triggers the release of the substance that causes wilting in pollinated flowers. Since the substance causes wilting in one to two days, we can expect this same outcome.
Flowers of all plants release the substance that causes wilting when they are cut, although the amount released may vary.
This is unsupported because the stimulus only discusses poppy plants, so we don’t know if other plants have this same substance.
The pollen on pollinated poppy flowers prevents their petals from absorbing the nutrients carried to them by their stems.
This is unsupported because the stimulus states nothing about the relationship between pollination and nutrients. Even though the petals wilt after pollination, they may still receive nutrients.
Poppy plants are unable to draw nutrients from soil or water after the substance that causes wilting has been released.
This is unsupported because while we know that poppy seeds wilt after the substance is released, they may still be drawing nutrients from the soil. We don’t know the connection between wilting and nutrients.