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Why is it not C?

I am now an expert in 17th century laws on women's ownership of land. Wish I was an RC expert.

In the explanation for weakening questions, it stated that you are not supposed to destroy/contradict the premise nor the conclusion. For this question, wouldn't B be destroying the conclusion? I would like to understand how that logic applies in this case.

the explanation for why E is incorrect is really bleh. the reason we should be eliminating E is because we are introduced to the premise that consumers should buy ONLY from independent bookstores, and so any principle that even suggests that one should turn to a chain bookstore if other options are exhausted wouldn't strengthen/justify our argument.

c and d are so similar...

Isat makes me want to jump out the house


Thank you J.Y!

Wow an excellent question to reinforce LR but this explanation left me flabbergasted. How did I miss that???

This was a great explanation thank you!
(loved the example structure)

Q 21. The problem I have with A is the first part of the sentence. Juries making decision in certain predictable situations. Since when was it predictable? We know juries or individual make inferences in their everyday lives as the passage stated and I can assume that is a predictable decision they make in their life since it's simple and probably correct as the passage suggests. However, their inferences in the courtroom is completely different from this and the entire argument fights for this idea.

I canceled out A because of the word "predictable". Otherwise I would have picked it.

#Help #Please

I love this... I am going to give it a try thanks!

I thought for question 12, the immediate successors were his son 😭😭😭