In an experiment, tennis players who were told that their performance would be used to assess only the quality of their rackets performed much better than an equally skilled group of tennis players who were told that their tennis-playing talent would be measured.

Some tennis players were told that their performance would be used to assess only the quality of their rackets. Others who were equally skilled as the first group of tennis players were told that their tennis-playing talent would be measured. The first group performed better than the second.

Strongly Supported Conclusions
What one believes is being assessed in one’s own performance can influence that performance.

People do less well on a task if they have been told that they will be closely watched while doing it.
Unsupported. The stimulus doesn’t tell us that either of the groups was told they would be closely watched. They were told the performance would be assessed for different things, but that doesn’t indicate a difference in how closely the two groups were told they would be watched.
People execute a task more proficiently when they do not believe their abilities are being judged.
Strongly supported. The group that was told only the rackets would be assessed performed better than the group that was told their own talent (ability) was being assessed.
People perform a task more proficiently when they have confidence in their abilities.
Unsupported. We don’t know whether there was any difference in the confidence level of the two groups.
People who assess their talents accurately generally perform near their actual level of proficiency.
Unsupported. We don’t know anything about the tennis players’ own assessment of their own talent and how that compared to actual performance.
People who think that a superior performance will please those who are testing them generally try harder.
Unsupported. We don’t know where there was any difference in the groups’ perceptions regarding whether a superior performance would please the people evaluating the performances.


Antonia: The stock market is the best place to invest your money these days; although it is often volatile, it provides the opportunity to make a large profit quickly.

Maria: I agree that the stock market provides the opportunity to make large profits quickly, but one is just as likely to take a huge loss. I think it is better to invest in savings bonds, which provide a constant, reliable income over many years.

Speaker 1 Summary
The stock market is the best place to invest your money. Why? Because you can make a large profit quickly in the stock market.

Speaker 2 Summary
I think savings bonds are the best place to invest your money. Why? Because they provide constant, reliable income over many years.

We need a statement that Antonia and Maria disagree on. They disagree about what is the best place to invest money. Antonia thinks the best place is the stock market because you could make a large profit quickly. Maria thinks the best place is through savings bonds because they provide reliable income.

the stock market is often volatile but provides the opportunity to make a large profit quickly
Both speakers agree with this statement. This is the reason why Antonia concludes that the stock market is the best place to invest. Maria also agrees that a person could profit quickly in the stock market, but does not think it is the best place to invest.
savings bonds can provide a large return on one’s investment
Antonia does not express an opinion on this statement. Antonia only speaks to the stock market being able to turn a large profit quickly.
the stock market provides the opportunity for an investor to make a constant, reliable income over many years
Neither speaker expresses an opinion on this statement. We only know from the stimulus that both speakers believe the stock market could turn a large profit quickly.
it is safer to invest in savings bonds than to invest in the stock market
Antonia does not express an opinion on this statement. We don’t know what Antonia’s beliefs are about savings bonds from the stimulus.
it is preferable to pick an investment offering a reliable income over a riskier opportunity to make a large profit quickly
Antonia and Maria disagree on this statement. Antonia would disagree and conclude that the stock market is preferable. Maria would agree and conclude that savings bonds are preferable.
