Scientists studying a common type of bacteria have discovered that most bacteria of that type are in hibernation at any given time. Some microbiologists have concluded from this that bacteria in general are usually in hibernation. This conclusion would be reasonable if all types of bacteria were rather similar. But, in fact, since bacteria are extremely diverse, it is unlikely that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly.

Summarize Argument: Counter-Position
It is unlikely that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly. Some microbiologists claim that most bacteria hibernate regularly, but they base that off of a study of one type of bacteria - which is a problem because types of bacteria are different, not similar.

Identify Conclusion
The conclusion is the author’s claim about bacterial hibernation: “it is unlikely that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly.”

Bacteria of most types are usually in hibernation.
This is the claim of some microbiologists that the author refutes.
It is probably not true that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly.
This accurately rephrases the conclusion that it is unlikely (probably not true) that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly.
If bacteria are extremely diverse, it is unlikely that most types of bacteria hibernate regularly.
The “if” statement makes this answer choice incorrect. The author establishes that bacteria are extremely diverse in a premise. The conclusion of the argument is not conditional.
The conclusion that bacteria in general are usually in hibernation would be reasonable if all types of bacteria were rather similar.
This is a premise that sets up why that conclusion is not reasonable. The author combines this with the fact that bacteria are diverse to refute that conclusion.
It is likely that only one type of bacteria hibernates regularly.
This answer choice goes too far. The author concludes that it is unlikely that most types hibernate regularly, but that does not mean that only type does.


The question stem reads: The reasoning in the board member’s argument is vulnerable to criticism on grounds that the argument… This is a Flaw question.

The board member begins by claiming that the J Foundation issued “you” this grant on the condition that the resulting work did not contain anything detrimental to the J Foundation’s reputation. In other words, meeting the conditions of the grant requires that “your” work not contain anything harmful to J Foundation’s reputation. However, the board member notes that the resulting work does not mention anything positive about the J Foundation. The board member concludes that “you” have failed to meet the conditions of the grant.

Here we have a very common flaw in the LSAT: assuming that negation and opposition are the same. The board member assumes that no positive information must mean the existence of negative information. However, positive information could also imply that the information in the work was simply neutral: the information was neither good nor bad for the J Foundation’s reputation. If the resulting work was neutral, then “you” would not violate the conditions of the grant. Let’s move to the answer choices.

Answer Choice (A) is incorrect. Whether or not the work has Intellectual value has nothing to do with the board member’s argument.

Answer Choice (B) is incorrect. The author does not confuse the necessary condition of “no harmful information” for being sufficient to issue the grant.

Correct Answer Choice (C) is what we discussed. The board member has assumed that failing to mention the laudable achievements of J Foundation amounts to harming the reputation of J Foundation.

Answer Choice (D) is something the argument fails to consider, but that is not why the argument is flawed.

Answer Choice (E) is also something that the argument does not consider, but (E) is not a problem for the argument. If you failed to satisfy the necessary condition of “no harmful information,” it would not matter how many other conditions were met. The problem is that we do not know if the work actually contained harmful information.