Raphaela: Forcing people to help others is morally wrong. Therefore, no government has the right to redistribute resources via taxation. Anyone who wants can help others voluntarily.

Edward: Governments do have that right, insofar as they give people the freedom to leave and hence not to live under their authority.

Speaker 1 Summary
Raphaela argues that governments do not have any right to redistribute resources through taxation. She supports this by appealing to a principle that forcing people to help others is morally wrong. (We can infer that redistribution via taxation would be a form of forcing people to help others.)

Speaker 2 Summary
Edward doesn’t make an argument—he states a claim, but doesn’t support it at all. What Edward claims is that governments do have the right to redistribute resources via taxation as long as they allow the people they govern to leave.

We’re looking for a statement that Raphaela and Edward disagree about. Their disagreement is over whether governments ever have a right to redistribute resources via taxation. Raphaela thinks they never do, and Edward thinks they do under certain conditions.

Any government that does not permit emigration would be morally wrong to redistribute resources via taxation.
Raphaela agrees with this, because she believes that it is always morally wrong for a government to redistribute resources via taxation. Edward, however, never mentions morality. We don’t know what he thinks.
Any government that permits emigration has the right to redistribute resources via taxation.
Raphaela disagrees with this: she thinks governments never have the right to redistribute resources via taxation. On the other hand, Edward agrees, because emigration allows people to leave, thus meeting his condition for when a government has this right.
Every government should allow people to help others voluntarily.
Neither speaker discusses whether governments should allow people to help others voluntarily. Raphaela mentions helping voluntarily as an alternative to being forced to help, but she doesn’t mention the role of government. Edward doesn’t mention helping voluntarily at all.
Any government that redistributes resources via taxation forces people to help others.
This is implied in Raphaela’s argument, but Edward never mentions the idea of forcing people to help others. Only one speaker offers an opinion, so we can’t know if they disagree or not.
Any government that forces people to help others should permit emigration.
Neither speaker makes this claim. Raphaela discusses forcing people to help others but never mentions emigration. Edward does the opposite, talking about emigration but not discussing the idea of forcing people to help others.
