Critic: Linsey has been judged to be a bad songwriter simply because her lyrics typically are disjointed and subjective. This judgment is ill founded, however, since the writings of many modern novelists typically are disjointed and subjective, and yet these novelists are widely held to be good writers.

Summarize Argument: Counter-Position
The author concludes that the view that Linsey is a bad songwriter is ill founded. The view that the author criticizes is based on the fact that Linsey’s lyrics are usually disjointed and subjective. But the author points out that the writings of modern novelists are often disjointed and subjective, but these novelists are considered good writers.

Identify Conclusion
The conclusion is the author’s assessment of the view that Linsey is a bad songwriter: “This judgment is ill founded.”

Linsey is a good songwriter.
This goes too far. The author never suggests Linsey is good. He only asserts that the view that she’s bad lacks support.
The view that Linsey is a bad songwriter is poorly supported.
This is a paraphrase of the conclusion.
The writings of many modern novelists are disjointed and subjective.
This is a premise.
Many modern novelists are widely held to be good writers.
This is a premise.
Linsey’s talent as a writer is no less than that of many modern novelists.
The author never claims that Linsey is as talented as many modern novelists. He brings up modern novelists only to show that disjointed and subjective writings do not automatically make one a bad writer.

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