On average, cats fed canned cat food eat fewer ounces of food per day than do cats fed dry cat food; the canned food contains more calories per ounce than does the dry food. Nonetheless, feeding a cat canned cat food typically costs more per day than does feeding it dry cat food.

Cats fed canned food eat fewer ounces per day on average than cats fed dry food. Canned food has more calories per ounce than dry food. Feeding a cat canned food usually costs more per day than feeding a cat dry food.

Strongly Supported Conclusions
Canned food costs more per ounce than dry food, such that the extra cost offsets the reduced amount of food that cats have to eat when fed canned food.

On average, cats fed canned cat food eat more calories per day than do cats fed dry cat food.
This is unsupported because despite the higher caloric content of canned food, cats eating canned food eat fewer ounces of food per day. These values may offset such that the calories per day for cats are the same regardless of which food they eat.
Typically, cats are fed either canned cat food or dry cat food, or both.
This is unsupported because there may exist a third type of food that the stimulus hasn’t mentioned.
How much it costs to feed a cat a given kind of food depends only on how many calories per ounce that food contains.
This is unsupported because the overall cost could also depend on the cost of the food per ounce.
On average, it costs no less to feed a cat that eats fewer ounces of food per day than it does to feed a cat that eats more ounces of food per day.
This is unsupported because it is possible that cats have overall different average amounts of calories that they eat regardless of food type. Eating fewer ounces of food per day isn’t necessarily confined to the cats that eat wet food.
Canned cat food typically costs more per ounce than does dry cat food.
This is strongly supported because even though cats eat less per day when fed canned food than fed dry food, the cost is higher for canned food each day. This means the higher cost is offsetting the reduced amount that cats eat of canned food.