define: internalize
Psychology - make (attitudes or behavior) part of one's nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.
acquire knowledge of (the rules of a language).

define: retain
keep in one's memory.


define: internalize
Psychology - make (attitudes or behavior) part of one's nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.
acquire knowledge of (the rules of a language).

define: retain
keep in one's memory.


Yu: The menu at Jason’s Restaurant states that no food served there contains products grown with chemical pesticides, but this cannot be true. I recently visited Kelly’s Grocery, where Jason goes personally to buy the restaurant’s produce, and I noticed workers unloading produce from a truck belonging to MegaFarm, which I know uses chemical pesticides on all of its crops.

Summarize Argument
The author concludes that there must be some food served at Jason’s Restaurant that contains products grown with chemical pesticides. This is based on the fact that the restaurant gets its produce from Kelly’s Grocery, and workers at the grocery were observed unloading produce from a truck belonging to Megafarm, which uses chemical pesticides on all its crops.

Notable Assumptions
The author assumes that Jason’s Restaurant isn’t purchasing from Kelly’s Grocery any produce that doesn’t have chemical pesticides. (Although Kellly’s Grocery purchases produce from MegaFarm, that doesn’t mean all of its produce comes from MegaFarm. Some produce could come from places that don’t use chemical pesticides.)

Jason does not know that Kelly’s Grocery buys produce from MegaFarm.
If anything, this strengthens the argument by suggesting Jason wouldn’t know to avoid MegaFarm’s produce.
Jason buys ingredients from several suppliers besides Kelly’s Grocery, and those suppliers sell only products that are grown without chemical pesticides.
The author never assumes that every ingredient Jason uses was grown with chemical pesticides. As long as the produce was grown with pesticides, the author’s argument can still make sense.
At Kelly’s Grocery, most of the produce items that are grown without chemical pesticides carry a label to indicate that fact.
This raises the possibility that Jason can avoid picking the produce that has chemical pesticides at Kelly’s Grocery. So, the mere fact that he shops at Kelly’s Grocery would not guarantee that he’s using produce grown with chemical pesticides.
None of the farms that supply produce to Kelly’s Grocery use any pesticide that has not been approved by the government as safe for use on food crops.
Whether a pesticide has been approved by the government has no impact on whether it is a chemical pesticide.
Most people who buy produce at Kelly’s Grocery would never knowingly buy produce grown with any chemical pesticides.
The author never assumes that Jason knowingly purchases produce that has chemical pesticides. Maybe Jason doesn’t know that what he’s buying was grown with chemical pesticides.