Newspaper and magazine reviews of films are usually written in advance of a film’s general release.
Typical audience members’ responses to films from the latter part of the twentieth century are easy to determine.
The box office success of a film does not depend on its viewers finding it funny, frightening, or moving.
Film historians do not believe that film reviews in newspapers and magazines reveal typical film audience members’ views.
Films from the early part of the twentieth century were not usually reviewed in newspapers or magazines.
It helps explain how pulsars could have neutrons on their surface even if they were not entirely made up of neutrons.
It forms part of a challenge to the claim that some pulsars may be made up of quarks.
It helps explain why some pulsars would not be readily recognized as such by astronomers.
It presents a new finding that challenges the consensus view of the structure of pulsars.
It points out a problem with the view that pulsars have a mass roughly equal to that of our sun.
Analyst: Any new natural-gas-powered electrical generation station needs to be located close to a natural-gas pipeline, a large body of water for cooling, and transmission lines. It also must be situated in a region where residents will not oppose construction. Our country has an extensive system of transmission lines, but our natural-gas pipelines run in the vicinity of only three of our large bodies of water, and residents would oppose any significant construction projects near these bodies of water.
Any new electrical station powered by natural gas needs to be located close to a natural gas pipeline, a large body of water, and transmission lines. A new natural-gas electrical station must be located where residents will not oppose construction. Our country has extensive transmission lines. Our country’s natural gas pipelines are only near three large bodies of water, where residents would oppose significant construction projects.
Strongly Supported Conclusions
It is impossible for our country to build a new electrical station powered by natural gas without expanding the existing pipeline network.
Future electrical needs will have to be met by alternatives to natural-gas-powered generation.
This is unsupported because future electrical needs may take into account new pipeline growth that allows natural-gas-powered stations to be built outside of areas where local residents would oppose them.
If a new natural-gas-powered electrical station is built in a region, many residents will move away from that region.
This is unsupported because the author never states that residents would move away from natural-gas-powered stations if they oppose the stations. Rather, the author states that their opposition would be a barrier to building the station in the first place.
No site would be suitable for constructing a natural-gas-powered electrical station unless the existing system of natural-gas pipelines is expanded.
This is strongly supported because all the pipelines near large bodies of water are in areas where local residents would oppose the plant construction, which our author says is an obstacle to new plants.
There currently is no natural-gas-powered electrical generation station near any of the three largest bodies of water.
This is unsupported because the author is only talking about new electrical stations powered by natural gas, meaning there could be existing stations near those bodies of water.
Many residents who would oppose the construction of a new natural-gas-powered electrical station in their region would not oppose the construction of new transmission lines there.
This is unsupported because we don’t know anything about public opposition to new transmission lines from reading the stimulus.