As part of a new trend in the writing of history, an emphasis on the details of historical events and motivations has replaced the previous emphasis on overarching historical trends and movements, with the result that the latter are often overlooked. In consequence, the ominous parallels that may exist between historical trends and current trends are also overlooked, which lessens our ability to learn from history.

Newer interpretations when writing history emphasize the details and motivations behind historical events. This is unlike previous interpretations that emphasized overarching historical trends and movements. As a result of this shift parallels between historical events and current trends are overlooked, which lessens our ability to learn from history.

Strongly Supported Conclusions
A shift of what we focus on when interpreting historical events has lessened our ability to learn from history.

Studying the details of historical events and motivations lessens our ability to learn from history.
This answer is unsupported. The stimulus argues a different causal connection. The stimulus argues that shifting away from emphasizing overarching trends causes our ability to learn to decrease.
Overarching historical trends and movements can be discerned only when details of historical events and motivations are not emphasized.
This answer is unsupported. We don’t know from the stimulus what the connection is, if any, between the emphasis on details compared to the emphasis on overarching trends.
Those who attend to overall trends and movements in history and not to details are the best able to learn from history.
This answer is unsupported. We don’t know which group are best able to learn from history as compared to the other. It is possible that neither group is the best at learning from history.
A change in emphasis in the interpretation of history has lessened our ability to learn from history.
This answer is strongly supported. This answer correctly states the causal relationship in the stimulus between the shift in emphasis and our ability to learn from history.
History should be interpreted in a way that gives equal emphasis to overarching historical trends and movements and to the details of historical events and motivations.
This answer is unsupported. We don’t know from the stimulus what should or should not be done. It is possible that the author disagrees with both interpretations.