The positions taken by Muratori and Kenner on many election issues were not very similar to each other.
Kenner had held elected office for many years before the recent election.
In the year leading up to the election, Kenner was implicated in a series of political scandals.
Six months before the recent election, the voting age was lowered by three years.
In the poll, supporters of Muratori were more likely than others to describe the election as important.
Historically, in order to be viable in the long run, a party needs at least 30% of eligible voters prepared to support it by joining it or by donating money to it.
According to a recent poll, only 26% of eligible voters are prepared to join an education party, and only 16% of eligible voters are prepared to donate money to one.
some of those who said they were willing to donate money to an education party might not actually do so if such a party were formed
an education party could possibly be viable with a smaller base than is customarily needed
the 16 percent of eligible voters prepared to donate money to an education party might donate almost as much money as a party would ordinarily expect to get if 30 percent of eligible voters contributed
a party needs the appropriate support of at least 30 percent of eligible voters in order to be viable and more than half of all eligible voters support the idea of an education party
some of the eligible voters who would donate money to an education party might not be prepared to join such a party
Reza: Language requires the use of verbal signs for objects as well as for feelings. Many animals can vocally express hunger, but only humans can ask for an egg or an apple by naming it. And using verbal signs for objects requires the ability to distinguish these objects from other objects, which in turn requires conceptual thought.
The stimulus can be diagrammed as follows:
Notable Valid Inferences
Conceptual thought is a necessary condition for language use.
Animals do not have language.
Conceptual thought is required for language.
This must be true. As shown in the diagram, by chaining the conditional claims, we see that conceptual thought is a necessary condition for language.
Conceptual thought requires the use of verbal signs for objects.
This could be false. (B) says “Conceptual thought → Use of verbal signs for objects.” In our diagram, we only have conceptual thought as a necessary condition; we don’t know what conceptual thought is a sufficient condition for.
It is not possible to think conceptually about feelings.
This could be false. We have no information about which topics are possible to think about conceptually.
All humans are capable of conceptual thought.
This could be false. In our diagram, “human” is a necessary condition for “use of verbal signs for objects.” We are not given “humans” as a sufficient condition for anything, so we don’t know anything that “all humans” can do.
The vocal expressions of animals other than humans do not require conceptual thought.
This could be false. We know that many animals can vocally express at least one feeling (hunger). It could be the case that vocal expression of hunger requires conceptual thought; our stimulus just doesn’t address this.
The poll was intentionally designed to favor Perkins over Samuels.
Samuels’s supporters believe that they were probably not adequately represented in the poll.
The poll’s results probably do not accurately represent the opinions of the voters in the coming election.
Samuels is quite likely to have a good chance of winning the coming election.
Those who designed the poll should have considered more carefully where to conduct the survey.
Test subjects who are chronically deprived of non-REM sleep also become irritable during waking life.
Chronically having bad dreams can cause stress, but so can chronically having pleasant but exciting dreams.
During times of increased stress, one’s REM sleep is disturbed in a way that prevents one from dreaming.
Only some people awakened during REM sleep can report the dreams they were having just before being awakened.
Other factors being equal, people who normally have shorter periods of REM sleep tend to experience more stress.