Posts Tagged ‘Free-for-Paid’

Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions

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Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions

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Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions

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Prep can feel isolating, but LSAT Pep Talk is here to change that. Join us for a pep talk/discussion group led by Live Sessions Manager/good listener, Alex Jacobs. No study drills here--just support and motivation! Sometimes all you need is a little encouragement to help get you to the next level!

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Questions of the resolve, reconcile, and explain type ask us to understand the logical gap between elements of the stimulus- and what’s required to bridge it. This class will explore the strategies best applied to RRE questions!
Difficulty: 3-5 Stars
Pace: 4-6 Questions

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Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions

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Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions

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It’s all about teamwork in this LR challenge! When over half the class nails a question in the anonymous poll, we ascend to the next level of difficulty. If we miss the mark, we reset and keep working together at the current level until we’re ready to rise. Let’s climb the ladder—together!
Question Difficulty: 1-5 stars
Pace: 5-6 questions per class

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Struggling with LR? This class is your safe space for building confidence, one question at a time. Let’s work through it together—no pressure, just progress! You’ll work methodically with your instructor: breaking down the stimulus, evaluating each answer choice, and identifying underlying patterns that will show up again and again.
Difficulty: Foundational, 1-4 stars
Pace: Slow, 2-4 questions

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Conditional reasoning on the LSAT ranges from the basic form "if A then B" to convoluted sets of conditional rules and qualifiers that can slow down and trip up even the most experienced students. Join us for a deep dive into the finer points of conditional reasoning!
Note: This class is designed for advanced students. While everyone is welcome, it is highly recommended that you are finished with the core curriculum before joining this class. In order to keep the class moving, we may not use class time to answer more basic questions.
Pace: 3-5 Questions
Difficulty: Advanced, 4-5 star questions

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