Posts Tagged ‘Live Class’

Ever puzzled by a 5-star question, even after watching the video? This class is for you! You’ll run through the hardest LR questions live and get to ask for follow-up explanations from a 180-scorer.

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For students brand new to the LSAT, Logical Reasoning can be daunting. By targeting the foundational skills necessary to dominate Logical Reasoning, this course will build your core competencies and help you find the gaps and flaws in LR arguments.

Julia's Notes

This week, we will focus on NA questions! Email following this class to access the practice homework!

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Do you get the Logic Games fundamentals but still struggle with some of the games later in the section? Join a 180-scorer to tackle how to build boards to tackle increasingly-challenging games.

Raphael's Notes

This week, we will focus on double-layer sequencing games.
Class material: PT 4 G3, PT 32 G4
Homework: Foolproof the games, PT 19 G2, PT 2 G4

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Are you struggling with Logical Reasoning? Wish you could learn from a pro?
Join a 180-scorer weekly for a crash course on LR question types, covering one new question type each week. We’ll do a brief lecture and then run through practice questions, from the simplest to the 5-star curve breakers.

Raphael's Notes

This week, we will focus on Method of Reasoning questions.
Class material: PT J07 S2 Q20, PT 46 S2 Q17, PT 53 S3 Q24
Homework: Add questions to Wrong Answer Journal, PT 47 S3 Q20

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Reading Comprehension doesn't have to be so intimidating—or mystifying! We break down everything from strategies for difficult passages to those elusive inference questions, covering topics from science and history to law and philosophy. Tune in weekly for new insights, real-time guidance, and answers to all of your RC-related questions.

Click here for Bailey's notes:

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Ready to take the next step in Reading Comprehension? This class utilizes uncommon drill methods to effectively target student problem areas. Prepare for an unorthodox and interactive approach to the LSAT!

Julia's Notes

This week, we will dive into Common Topics: Native Rights. Email following this class to access the practice homework!

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Do you find yourself running up against the clock in Logic Games? If so, this class is for you! This weekly live session will focus on drilling methods to approach easy to moderate logic games in order to squeeze as much time out of them as possible. Whether you are new to Logic Games or are an expert, this class will help you maximize time while developing a controlled analytical reasoning strategy.

Julia's Notes

This week, we will focus on double layer sequencing games! Email following this class to access the practice homework!

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I hope you are Ready Player One because this class is all about games! Every week we go over how to set up the board and attack the questions of a specific game type. Whether you are new to Logic Games or a seasoned gamer who wants to brush up on fundamentals, this class is for you!

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Mastering Reading Comprehension doesn’t have to be a struggle! In this class, we will go over intermediate-level RC strategies to ensure you're able to understand every passage that you tackle. Each week we will demonstrate how to read the passage, how to approach the questions, and how to prove your answers.

Aastha's Notes

We will be going over P2 from PT37!

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Struggling to get a handle on Logic Games? In this class, you will learn the basic skills you need to move through Logic Games quickly and accurately. We'll be going over key game types, which questions to tackle first, and the best way to set up your game board.

Aastha's Notes

We will be going over sequencing games! Pulling from PT30 G4.

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