Posts Tagged ‘Logic Games’

Struggling to get a handle on logic games? In this class, you will learn the basic skills you need to move through Logic Games quickly and accurately. We'll be going over key game types, the best way to set up your game board, foolproofing, and the importance of a procedure.

Do you want to cover board set-ups but also discuss section timing strategy? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review the board set ups for an LG section in tests 50 and below. Check out the notes each week to try the section in advance before joining the class!

Julia's Notes:


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Julia here to find out more.

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Do you often find yourself tangled in Logic Games, unsure of how to test for 'Must be True', 'Could be True', 'Must be False', and 'Could be False' scenarios? This class is designed specifically to help you navigate these challenges with ease and confidence. We delve into the distinguishing characteristics of these question types, providing strategic approaches for each. We'll first go through a review of the underlying theory, then experiment hands-on with game boards and question types.

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Note: This class has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We're very sorry about that! 


Have any burning questions about the LSAT? Or a PT question you’d like to review? Join us for weekly office hours and pick the brain of one of 7Sage's most experienced tutors for as long as you need!


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Bailey here to find out more.

Have any burning questions about the LSAT? Or a PT question you’d like to review? Join us for weekly office hours and pick the brain of one of 7Sage's most experienced tutors for as long as you need!


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Bailey here to find out more.

Are you ready to start getting -2, -1, even -0 on LG? Do you want to spend less than 30 seconds per question? Each week, we will walk through board set-ups and questions for all levels of Logic Games with a focus on splitting out as many boards as possible. We will model spending more time up front with the game in order to fly through the questions!

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If you’re struggling with conditionals and lawgic, then you need to practice your translations! Join 7Sage Instructor Henry Ewing for a 1 hour workshop practicing conditional reasoning!

Note: We encourage participants to keep their cameras on during this class. While it's not mandatory, it greatly enhances the interactive experience!

Pre-Work (Recommended but not Mandatory):

  • Before attending this class, we recommend completing the lessons related to conditional reasoning in the Core Curriculum, starting with Sufficiency and Necessity.

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Note: This class has been cancelled. We're very sorry about that!

If you're ready to get more practice taking a full LSAT Prep Test under simulated online proctor conditions, you're in the right place. Here's how our Proctored PTs work:

1. Register using this link:
Once you sign up, you'll receive an email from Zoom with the link to join the meeting.

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Struggling to get a handle on sequencing games? In this class, you will learn the basic skills you need to move through sequencing games efficiently and accurately.

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Struggling to get a handle on grouping games? In this class, you will learn the basic skills you need to move through grouping games efficiently and accurately.

We encourage participants to keep their cameras on during this class. While it's not mandatory, it greatly enhances the interactive experience!

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