Posts Tagged ‘Logical Reasoning’

Do you struggle with the Flaw question type in logical reasoning? If so, this class is for you! Join 7Sage LR guru Alex in this class to explore flaws and the fundamentals behind success in this question type.

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If you’re struggling with conditionals and lawgic, then you need to practice your translations! Join 7Sage Instructor Henry Ewing for a 1 hour workshop practicing conditional reasoning!

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Join 7Sage tutor Henry as he progresses through the beta version of the new core curriculum!

Note: If you'd like access to the beta version the new core curriculum, you can email student services at to gain access. You need a subscribed monthly or annual account to gain access. 

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If you're ready to get more practice taking a full LSAT Prep Test under simulated online proctor conditions, you're in the right place. Here's how our Proctored PTs work:


1. Register using this link: Once you sign up, you'll receive an email from Zoom with the link to join the meeting.


2. Select a PT that you want to take for the proctored test. This can be any PT; we recommend one that you haven't seen yet and that is at least as recent as PT 50. You can take the PT through 7Sage, or, if you want to simulate real test-day conditions, you can log into LawHub and take it there.


3. Show up to the Zoom meeting 10 minutes before the scheduled start time (12:50 pm ET). You will all be prompted to complete a room scan (similar to the test-day security measures) at the same time and then put into a breakout room by yourself to complete the test.


4. Simulate the test! Our 7Sage Proctor will monitor the testing process for the duration of your test and even simulate a pesky interruption. The Proctor will ask if anyone would like to be interrupted at the beginning of the session, and you will have the chance to privately message your preference. If only the ProctorU proctors would be so kind as to ask! If you have any approved accommodations, please let us know via private chat at the beginning of the session as well––you'll be able to use those.


If you have any questions, please email We hope to see you there!

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Learn the ins and outs of Parallel Method of Reasoning questions with 7Sage instructor Alex! In this class, you'll be going through a deep analysis of Parallel Method of Reasoning questions as how it is explained in CCv2 (Core Curriculum Version 2).

If you'd like access to the beta version of CCv2, you can gain access by emailing student services at

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Do you want to cover logical reasoning questions and also timing strategy? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review specific questions on a particular LR section before going through the questions. Check out the notes each week to try the section in advance before joining the class!

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In this class you will learn something shocking: you can perfect Logical Reasoning. Perhaps even more efficiently than you might improve in the traditionally “easier” section, Logic Games. Join LR guru Julia on a weekly basis on discussing how to perfect Logical Reasoning one question type at a time.

For the topics of each week, check out Julia’s notes:

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Join 7Sage instructor Josh Aldy to learn everything you need to know about necessary assumptions, a critical component of LSAT success. In this class, our experienced instructors will guide you through the key concepts and strategies that will help you identify and analyze necessary assumptions in Logical Reasoning questions!


Note: If you'd like access to the beta version of the new core curriculum, you can email student services at to gain access. You need a subscribed monthly or annual account to gain access. 

Are you struggling to understand the notion of support and how it plays a role in Logical Reasoning? In this interactive class series, we'll guide you through an in-depth exploration and analysis of various types of questions within the strengthening subset, including NA, Strengthen, PSAr, and SA. This course is particularly beneficial if you find it challenging to distinguish between these question types. We'll illuminates the nuanced differences that make each question type unique but also emphasize their significance in a broader context. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your understanding and mastery of these critical components in your learning journey!


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Note: This class has been cancelled. We're very sorry about that!

Are you struggling with Logical Reasoning? Wish you could learn from a pro? Join a 180-scorer weekly for a crash course on LR question types, covering one new question type each week. We’ll do a brief lecture and then run through practice questions, from the simplest to the 5-star curve breakers.

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