Posts Tagged ‘Logical Reasoning’

Note: 7Sage teacher Julia Greve usually teaches this class, but Bailey Luber will be subbing this week.


Facing a plateau in your studies and not sure what to do? Need help planning out the next few months of your studies? In this workshop, 7Sage instructor Julia will present everything you need to know about creating the perfect study plan to get you to your goal score. After a short lecture on the tenets of studying, participating students will have the opportunity to receive live feedback on their study plans from the instructor.

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Facing a plateau in your studies and not sure what to do? Need help planning out the next few months of your studies? In this workshop, 7Sage instructor Julia will present everything you need to know about creating the perfect study plan to get you to your goal score. After a short lecture on the tenets of studying, participating students will have the opportunity to receive live feedback on their study plans from the instructor.

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Ever puzzled by a 5-star question, even after watching the video? This class is for you! You’ll run through the hardest LR questions live and get to ask for follow-up explanations from a 180-scorer.


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Raphael here to find out more.

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Join 7Sage instructor Josh Aldy to learn everything you need to know about necessary assumptions, a critical component of LSAT success. In this class, our experienced instructors will guide you through the key concepts and strategies that will help you identify and analyze necessary assumptions in Logical Reasoning questions!


Note: If you'd like access to the beta version of the new core curriculum, you can email student services at to gain access. You need a subscribed monthly or annual account to gain access. 

Are you struggling with Logical Reasoning? Wish you could learn from a pro? Join a 180-scorer weekly for a crash course on LR question types, covering one new question type each week. We’ll do a brief lecture and then run through practice questions, from the simplest to the 5-star curve breakers.

Raphael's Notes:


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Raphael here to find out more.

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Blind Review is one of the foundations of the 7Sage curriculum. This drill helps us identify our problem areas while giving us the chance to take another swing at the most challenging LSAT questions. Join 7Sage tutor Julia in this weekly Blind Review! Each week, Julia will conduct a live Blind Review of an LSAT section. Check out Julia’s notes below so you can take the section before the call.

This class requires a knowledge of the blind review method before attending class. If you need a refresher, you can revisit the lesson here.

Julia's Notes:


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Julia here to find out more.

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Most study groups are a lot of socializing and not a lot of actual work. That might be good for your mental health, but not so much for your LSAT score. This study session on the other hand is about taking care of business. Join us to keep yourself accountable and improve your LSAT score! We will make a bit of space for breaks and camaraderie, but the main thing is to come together, put our heads down, and get our work done!


Study Session Rules:

The Lounge Breakout Room

1. Participants will enter into the Lounge.
2. Turn your mic on and take your social breaks here.

The Study Breakout Room

1. Video needs to be on. This is the whole concept of a virtual study session. If your video's not on, you're not streaming. If you're not streaming, you won't feel the same degree of accountability!
2. Mics must be muted, and participants must be actively studying.


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Have any burning questions about the LSAT? Or a PT question you’d like to review? Join us for weekly office hours and pick the brain of one of 7Sage's most experienced tutors for as long as you need!



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Join 7Sage tutor Henry as he progresses through the beta version of the new core curriculum!

Note: If you'd like access to the beta version the new core curriculum, you can email student services at to gain access. You need a subscribed monthly or annual account to gain access. 

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Have any burning questions about the LSAT? Or a PT question you’d like to review? Join us for weekly office hours and pick the brain of one of 7Sage's most experienced tutors for as long as you need!


Interested in private tutoring? Book a free consultation with Aastha here to find out more.

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