Posts Tagged ‘Logical Reasoning’

Have any burning questions about the LSAT? Or a PT question you’d like to review? Join us for weekly office hours and pick the brain of one of 7Sage's most experienced tutors for as long as you need!

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Struggling to figure out where to even start when you see a game that doesn't seem to fit a familiar type? If Miscellaneous games are your kryptonite and you are in desperate need of an antidote, look no further. Each week we will discuss multiple strategies (a sort of what-to-do-when-you-don't-know list) to attack these particularly tricky Games, from board set-up to expert-level timing and accuracy. Join Bailey during this 4-week live class through December.

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You know what they say about assumptions...understanding them is the key to mastering Logical Reasoning! Assumptions are obviously important for NA/SA questions, but being able to spot assumptions elsewhere can help you across a wide range of question types. Identifying what answers require you to supply your own assumptions can help you avoid trap answer choices. Spotting assumptions in a stimulus can point you toward a flaw. This class will explore how assumptions function across a wide array of LR questions and how we can utilize assumptions to increase our efficiency and accuracy. Join us through the month of December for this 4-week class.

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You know what they say about assumptions...understanding them is the key to mastering Logical Reasoning! Assumptions are obviously important for NA/SA questions, but being able to spot assumptions elsewhere can help you across a wide range of question types. Identifying what answers require you to supply your own assumptions can help you avoid trap answer choices. Spotting assumptions in a stimulus can point you toward a flaw. This class will explore how assumptions function across a wide array of LR questions and how we can utilize assumptions to increase our efficiency and accuracy. Join us through the month of December for this 4-week class.

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Assumptions are obviously important for NA/SA questions, but being able to spot assumptions elsewhere can help you across a wide range of question types. Identifying what answers require you to supply your own assumptions can help you avoid trap answer choices. Spotting assumptions in a stimulus can point you toward a flaw. This class will explore how assumptions function across a wide array of LR questions and how we can utilize assumptions to increase our efficiency and accuracy. Join us through the month of December for this 4-week class.

Alex's Notes: We will be looking at how assumptions play into Strengthening/Weakening Questions.

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You know what they say about assumptions...understanding them is the key to mastering Logical Reasoning! Assumptions are obviously important for NA/SA questions, but being able to spot assumptions elsewhere can help you across a wide range of question types. Identifying what answers require you to supply your own assumptions can help you avoid trap answer choices. Spotting assumptions in a stimulus can point you toward a flaw. This class will explore how assumptions function across a wide array of LR questions and how we can utilize assumptions to increase our efficiency and accuracy. Join us through the month of December for this 4-week class.

Alex's Notes: Today will be an intro to assumptions. What are they? how do they affect argument strength? What’s the difference between Necessary and Sufficient Assumptions? We will be answering these questions by looking at NA and SA questions.

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Are you a whizz at RRE but keep getting stumped by Weaken questions? Acing Must Be True but can't figure out Necessary Assumption? What if you found out that these question types weren't as different as you thought!? This class will lay the foundations for more effectively mastering LR by compartmentalizing similar question types with each other. Each class, we will go over a step-by-step approach to attack each question type on the docket, then analyze similarities between approaches, then practice, practice, practice! Join us on Monday for the beginner class and Thursday for the advanced class through the month of December.

Bailey's Notes:

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Are you a whizz at RRE but keep getting stumped by Weaken questions? Acing Must Be True but can't figure out Necessary Assumption? What if you found out that these question types weren't as different as you thought!? This class will lay the foundations for more effectively mastering LR by compartmentalizing similar question types with each other. Each class, we will go over a step-by-step approach to attack each question type on the docket, then analyze similarities between approaches, then practice, practice, practice! Join us on Monday for the beginner class and Thursday for the advanced class through the month of December.

Bailey's Notes:

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Are you a whizz at RRE but keep getting stumped by Weaken questions? Acing Must Be True but can't figure out Necessary Assumption? What if you found out that these question types weren't as different as you thought!? This class will lay the foundations for more effectively mastering LR by compartmentalizing similar question types with each other. Each class, we will go over a step-by-step approach to attack each question type on the docket, then analyze similarities between approaches, then practice, practice, practice! Join us on Monday for the beginner class and Thursday for the advanced class through the month of December.

Bailey's Notes:

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Are you a whizz at RRE but keep getting stumped by Weaken questions? Acing Must Be True but can't figure out Necessary Assumption? What if you found out that these question types weren't as different as you thought!? This class will lay the foundations for more effectively mastering LR by compartmentalizing similar question types with each other. Each class, we will go over a step-by-step approach to attack each question type on the docket, then analyze similarities between approaches, then practice, practice, practice! Join us on Monday for the beginner class and Thursday for the advanced class through the month of December.

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