Posts Tagged ‘Logical Reasoning’

Come dive into the newest LSAT practice test! This PrepTest analysis series is an opportunity never before offered by 7Sage. Founder J.Y. Ping will lead his own live class for a limited time only! Join J.Y in his analysis of LR questions from PT93. In this session, J.Y. will walk through the select Logical Reasoning sections below.

PT93 S3 Q13 Necessary Assumption
PT93 S3 Q20 Necessary Assumption
PT93 S2 Q06 Principle
PT93 S3 Q05 Principle
PT93 S3 Q16 Principle

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Improving speed on easy LR questions is just as important as improving accuracy on hard ones. This class will equip you to do both. Each class will cover basic strategies for a given question type. We’ll then look at how we can implement these strategies as quickly as possible on easy questions and more deliberately on difficult ones. The goal of this class is to have you zooming through the first half of an LR section--in order to move confidently and deliberately through the back half.

Alex's Notes

We will be working on Parallel Method of Reasoning Questions

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Improving speed on easy LR questions is just as important as improving accuracy on hard ones. This class will equip you to do both. Each class will cover basic strategies for a given question type. We’ll then look at how we can implement these strategies as quickly as possible on easy questions and more deliberately on difficult ones. The goal of this class is to have you zooming through the first half of an LR section--in order to move confidently and deliberately through the back half.

Alex's Notes

This week we will be focusing on flaw questions!

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Ever puzzled by a 5-star question, even after watching the video? This class is for you! You’ll run through the hardest LR questions live and get to ask for follow-up explanations from a 180-scorer.

Raphael's Notes

This week, we will focus on Most Strongly Supported questions.
Class material: PT 51 S1 Q21, PT 51 S3 Q12, PT 51 S3 Q21
Homework: Add missed questions to Wrong Answer Journal

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Note: This session has been cancelled due to a family emergency on the part of the instructor. Please join us tomorrow when courses resume!

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Logical Reasoning has never felt easier! In this class, you will learn the ins and outs of each Logical Reasoning question types as you develop strategies for how to understand and tackle every question!

Chris's Notes

This week will focus on Parallel Questions! Homework: Using the new drill function, drill Parallel questions following the step by step workflow discussed in class. Here’s the link:

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Ever puzzled by a 5-star question, even after watching the video? This class is for you! You’ll run through the hardest LR questions live and get to ask for follow-up explanations from a 180-scorer.

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For students brand new to the LSAT, Logical Reasoning can be daunting. By targeting the foundational skills necessary to dominate Logical Reasoning, this course will build your core competencies and help you find the gaps and flaws in LR arguments.

Julia's Notes

This week, we will focus on NA questions! Email following this class to access the practice homework!

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Are you struggling with Logical Reasoning? Wish you could learn from a pro?
Join a 180-scorer weekly for a crash course on LR question types, covering one new question type each week. We’ll do a brief lecture and then run through practice questions, from the simplest to the 5-star curve breakers.

Raphael's Notes

This week, we will focus on Method of Reasoning questions.
Class material: PT J07 S2 Q20, PT 46 S2 Q17, PT 53 S3 Q24
Homework: Add questions to Wrong Answer Journal, PT 47 S3 Q20

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Ever puzzled by a 5-star question, even after watching the video? This class is for you! You’ll run through the hardest LR questions live and get to ask for follow-up explanations from a 180-scorer.

The Join button will appear on this page 15 minutes before the class begins. NOTE: You need to be logged in to see the button!

Raphael's Notes

This week, we’ll focus on principle questions.
Class material: PT 43 S3 Q26, PT 58 S4 Q16, PT F97 S3 Q23
Homework: Add to Wrong Answer Journal

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