Posts Tagged ‘Logical Reasoning’
A significant portion of a typical LR section is made up of Weaken, Strengthen, and Evaluate questions. These three closely-related question types all ask us: what would tip the scales for an argument? Sharpen your skills while exploring the important similarities and differences between them!
Looking to cover logical reasoning questions as well as timing strategies? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review a subset of questions from a particular LR section.
Looking to cover logical reasoning questions as well as timing strategies? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review a subset of questions from a particular LR section.
Looking to cover logical reasoning questions as well as timing strategies? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review a subset of questions from a particular LR section.
Questions of the resolve, reconcile, and explain type ask us to understand the logical gap between elements of the stimulus- and what’s required to bridge it. Join 7Sage instructor Bailey Luber for an exploration of the strategies best applied to RRE questions!
Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. You'll have a chance to nominate questions to cover, so make sure to have a list handy!
Join senior 7Sage LSAT instructors Bailey and Alex as they tackle unprepared LSAT questions in real-time, offering you a window into their thought processes and strategies while the clock is ticking. How does a top scorer approach timing differently, and which habits are most effective?
Looking to cover logical reasoning questions as well as timing strategies? If so, this is the class for you! Each week, we will review a subset of questions from a particular LR section.
In this class you will learn something shocking: you can perfect logical reasoning. Though the rules aren't quite as clear-cut as the logic games of the past, LR questions definitely fall into repeating patterns! Join LR guru Rahela Sami for a weekly exploration of the finer points of this section type.