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i dont undesrtand why C is wrong. It sounds like carol believes that no dessert is healthy period

Example Essay #1, Paragraph #4 misspells reasons as "resaons". Probably not the best foot forward for readers to catch spelling errors here, consider revising if possible.

I don't understand why you immediately ruled out D when you gave a justification for it in the first minute of the video. As you said, the self-interest of scientists cannot be equated to pursuit of career advancement precisely because self-interest is ambiguously defined. Now, that is not why the conclusion is incorrect but it is why the philosophers premise is invalid.

In contrast answer choice B relies on extremely poor phrasing on the part of the question. Scientists plural is a stand-in for the scientific community, never are individual scientists referred to at all. It would be the same as saying athletes vs community of athletes, we can simply presume that athletes = the whole of athletes because the individual nature isn't specified or even implied at all. It does not say some scientists, all scientists, most scientists, only scientists.

You could pretty easily make the argument that having anything to eat and drink at a party necessarily makes it good. (But I would assume the people who wrote this have never been invited to a party, so I guess they wouldn't know.)
This question is silly and goofy! I simply love learning to think exactly how the lsat writers think! Forget law school, I just wanna be an lsat writer!

I sounds like it means a positive effect


what lessons in the core curriculum would you recommend to get formal logic better and be better at doing these questions fast lol.

I agree, even after the explanation, I'm still confused.


Imagine North America has:
10 rodent species, each with 100,000 individuals (totaling 1,000,000 rodents).
1 deer species with 200,000 individuals.
1 bat species with 150,000 individuals.

Here, (B) would be true because rodent species generally have large populations (100,000 each). But (D) would be false because the deer species has the largest population (200,000) of any single species.

why is B wrong here?

This question is so sneakily evil. I literally raised an eyebrow and said so what at A before I crossed it off

If you negate B, it would ruin the argument though. Goes to show that strategy is not always effective.

Am I the only one that read Narcotincs as Nicotine, and thus directly ruled out C in my first read? LOL

I was paired with Emily Ma as my tutor and she was absolutely amazing. I truly cannot say enough great things about her. The expertise and positivity that she brought to each of our 10 sessions made such a difference in the way I approached the LSAT. The techniques she taught me and the way she would help me see little things that I could improve on made a world of a difference. She is incredibly knowledgeable and would always take extra time to make sure I understood↔ each question/concept that we went over. Studying for this test does not come easy to me, as I was having trouble scoring higher than 155 on practice tests. Towards the end of my 10 sessions with Emily, I scored a 167 on a practice test, which I did not think was possible for me. I am so grateful to Emily and for the confidence she instilled in me. She is a gift!

This is actually pretty easy.

It’s a simple contrapositive argument structure. they just trip you up by literally making the longest sentences and conditions I’ve ever seen.




This is the last question. A lot of people will be out of time by now. They expect this to take 1:55 to get right. If I was close to out of time in a real life scenario and saw some BS question that’s literally a novel like this show up, I’d be pissed.

However, keep in mind, the test writers are TRYING to eff with us. THEY ARE NOT on our side. What’s helped me out is not to trip out and to really simplify and not overcomplicate things. Seeing this structure like the simple structure outlined above will allow you to quickly get down to E, pick it, and move on.

The big giveaway that this is using formal logic is the IF that the STIM starts with.

Help! I thought B is a necessary assumption for bridging the gap. I remember any assumption bridging the gap strengthens the argument. Is it right? Even this, I got wrong and I chose E. I entered this question in Chatgpt and it always E is correct and B weakens the link. I am really confused. Help!!!

putting a five star at q8 is brutal

I got this wrong every single time but today I got this right! keep pushing it guys :)