LSAT 14 – Section 2 – Question 07

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PT14 S2 Q07
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+Harder 148.522 +SubsectionMedium
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We know this is a strengthening question because of the question stem: Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion regarding a signaling function?

The first sentence gives us two facts about zebras and their stripes; all zebras have stripes, and the most widespread subspecies of zebra has the best defined stripes. A sub-conclusion is drawn from these facts that the stripes must have some kind of importance for zebras. Whenever you see a sentence that takes the form of “Since X, Y.” you should expect that you are being given a final premise followed by a conclusion. That’s exactly what we get, and from the final premise that the zebra stripes aren’t good for camouflage, the author concludes they must act a some kind of signal for other zebras. This is the signaling function conclusion we were told about in the question stem.

An important detail to note is that it is a signal for specifically other zebras. A good way to filter out wrong answers will be whether the explanation they offer involves three elements; (1) stripes, (2) signaling, and (3) an effect on other zebras. Let’s look at the answer choices:

Answer Choice (A) This answer gives us a correlation between defined stripes, and size and vigor. Always remember to anchor yourself in the conclusion on strengthening questions; we want to support a connection between stripes and a signaling function. This answer is irrelevant to that conclusion. A is incorrect

Answer Choice (B) If having stripes can make zebras harder to spot under certain conditions, that suggests that they do function as camouflage. This contradicts what we’ve been told in the stimulus, and by introducing an alternate hypothesis to our signaling function directly weakens what we want to support. B is incorrect.

Answer Choice (C) While this answer does pick up on the signaling function part of the conclusion, it has nothing to do with zebra’s and their stripes. We’ve been given no information that suggests zebra’s can temporarily change their color. C is incorrect.

Correct Answer Choice (D) Our conclusion is that the stripes must serve as some kind of signal for other zebras. This answer gives us an explanation of how the stripes could serve this function; Zebras react faster to shapes with stripes, so Zebras having stripes allows them to react to each other’s movement more quickly. This is the only answer with all three elements we mentioned. D is correct.

Answer Choice (E) Like C this answer might appeal in the moment because it mentions signaling, but it is important to stay anchored in our conclusion. We want support for the stripes acting as a signal, and therefore other potential signals Zebras might have are not helpful. E is incorrect.

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