Live Classes and Webinars

Fully Splitting Game Boards · Bailey Luber

Event Series Fully Splitting Game Boards
Live Class Logic Games

Are you ready to start getting -2, -1, even -0 on LG? Do you want to spend less than 30 seconds per question? Each week, we will walk through board set-ups and questions for all levels of Logic Games with a focus on splitting out as many boards as possible. We will model spending more […]

The Flaw Factory · Alex Jacobs

Event Series The Flaw Factory
Logical Reasoning Live Class

Do you struggle with the Flaw question type in logical reasoning? If so, this class is for you! Join 7Sage LR guru Alex in this class to explore flaws and the fundamentals behind success in this question type.

Weakening Questions · Charlotte Kim

Event Series Weakening Questions

Learn the ins and outs of Weakening questions with 7Sage instructor Charlotte! In this class, you'll be going through a deep analysis of Weakening questions as how it is explained in CCv2 (Core Curriculum Version 2). If you'd like access to the beta version of CCv2, you can gain access by emailing student services at […]

Game Theory · Henry Ewing

Event Series Game Theory
Live Class Logic Games

I hope you are Ready Player One because this class is all about games! Every week we go over how to set up the board and attack the questions of a specific game type. Whether you are new to Logic Games or a seasoned gamer who wants to brush up on fundamentals, this class is […]

RC Passage Analysis · J.Y. Ping

Event Series RC: Passage Analysis
Live Class Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension doesn't have to be your most difficult section! Join JY as he works through an RC passage and covers essential strategies to master Reading Comprehension.   Note: This class will be reviewing PT65 Passage 4.

Reading Comprehension with 7Sage [FREE] · Bailey Luber

Reading Comprehension Free All Levels

Join us for a free, interactive live class on LSAT Reading Comprehension! This live class offers a sample of the in-depth strategies and expert advice found in our 7Sage Live Class Program.   Bailey's Class Resources:   Interested in 7Sage Live Class? Visit our pricing page here. 

Overcoming Testing Anxiety · Alex Jacobs

Are you dealing with testing anxiety as you prepare for the LSAT? You’re not alone! Join this discussion group led by 7sage instructor Alex Jacobs to review techniques that will help you manage stress and approach the test with confidence and clarity.