Live Classes and Webinars

Admissions 101: Diversity Statement · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101
Admissions Free

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today's class tackles the diversity statement. In a post-Students for Fair Admissions World, what do law school admissions committees hope to learn from a diversity statement? Does everyone have to write one? All this and more!

Admissions 101: “Why X” Essays · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today's class discusses those optional (but are they really optional?) statements all about the specific school you are applying to. When should you write one, when should you not, and what should you mention in this […]

Admissions 101: Addenda · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today, we dive into the Addenda (or “Addendum” if you’re a stickler for the singular form of Latin nouns)! What is this section of an application and when should you utilize it?

Admissions 101: Intro to Financial Aid · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today's session is all about the ins-and-outs of financial aid. We'll discuss different aid models (need vs merit), the FAFSA, and how this process differs a bit from what you experienced in undergrad!

7Sage Law Admissions Deans’ Roundtable Talk: Scholarship Offers [FREE] · Tajira McCoy

Free Admissions

Greetings, 7Sagers! Join us on Wednesday, January 31 at 8pm ET for another panel discussion with law school admissions deans from across the country. For this conversation, hear from representatives of Boston College, Catholic University, Howard University, Loyola University Chicago, Loyola Los Angeles, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and potentially an additional […]

Merit Aid and Scholarship Negotiations · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today we're talking about scholarship negotiations. What's the best way to try and increase your scholarship offers... or is there any way? Let's hear all about this from the admissions/fin aid officer's perspective and offer a […]

Admissions 101: Application Forms · Jacob Baska

Event Series Admissions 101

Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the law school application journey from the admissions officer's perspective. Today's session goes over the application form. How do you access applications? What kinds of questions do schools ask (and why)? What can you expect as you turn to this step in the admissions process?

Marquee Event: Scholarship Considerations with Guest Speaker Carla Anderson · Tajira McCoy

Event Series Marquee Admissions Events
Admissions Free

Join us for our first Live Marquee Event, hosted by Admissions Consultants Taj McCoy (formerly at Berkeley Law) and Sam Riley (formerly at Texas Law). They'll be welcoming Carla Anderson, Director of Operations for Admissions and Financial Aid and Director of Access Initiatives for Penn Carey Law. The trio will discuss the ins and outs […]

Score Release: To Cancel or Not To Cancel? · Jacob Baska

Admissions General

After you receive an official LSAT score, LSAC allows you to cancel it within 6 days. What days this mean for your application(s), and how should you approach this important decision? Join 7Sage admissions consultant Jake Baska as he demystifies the factors to consider when deciding whether or not a score is worth keeping.

Marquee Event: Campus Visits, featuring USC’s David Kirschner · Tajira McCoy

Event Series Marquee Admissions Events

Join us for a Live Marquee Class hosted by Admissions Consultants Taj McCoy (formerly at Berkeley Law) and Sam Riley (formerly at Texas Law). We'll be joined by David Kirschner, Associate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid from USC Gould School of Law. The trio will discuss the importance of campus visits and setting expectations […]

What Does My Score Mean? · Jacob Baska

Admissions Free

With another score release day just behind us, you may be wondering how your LSAT score fits into your law school application plans. When is cancelling and retaking the right move, and when is a score worth keeping? Join admissions consultant Jake Baska for an in-depth discussion that will help you interpret and contextualize your […]