Live Sessions and Webinars

Study Plan Workshop [FREE] · Eric Revis

Event Series Study Plan Workshop
Strategy Free

Not sure how to start studying for the LSAT? In this workshop, you'll learn how to build an effective study plan that fits your schedule and gets you to your goal score. You'll also have the chance to get live feedback on your study plan from the instructor.

LR in Action (with Bailey and Nicole) · Bailey Luber

Event Series LR in Action
Logical Reasoning Strategy Difficulty: Advanced Pace: Fast

Join senior 7Sage LSAT instructors, Bailey and Nicole as they tackle unprepared LSAT questions in real-time, offering you a window into their thought processes and strategies while the clock is ticking. How does a top scorer approach timing differently, and which habits are most effective? You will have 3 minutes to answer each 5 star […]

LR Question Strategies · Rahela Sami

Event Series LR Question Strategies
Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Moderate Strategy Logical Reasoning

Macro-level strategies are a critical yet often neglected set of LSAT skills. When engaging with the test, you should always have a plan! This class focuses on the broader strategies to rely on for individual LR question types. Learn to quickly switch approaches throughout a section with confidence as different question types come up, and […]

Study Plan Workshop [FREE] · Eric Hu

Event Series Study Plan Workshop
Strategy Free

Not sure how to start studying for the LSAT? In this workshop, you'll learn how to build an effective study plan that fits your schedule and gets you to your goal score. You'll also have the chance to get live feedback on your study plan from the instructor.

All About Assumptions · Eric Hu

Event Series All About Assumptions
Logical Reasoning Strategy Difficulty: Moderate Pace: Moderate

Being able to quickly identify the assumptions an argument's author makes is one of the most vital LSAT skills. Which are critical to the argument, and which are unimportant? Are they always invalid? This class will explore the space between the lines, home to assumptions of every kind. Difficulty: 3-5 stars Pace: 4-6 Questions

Study Plan Workshop [FREE] · Eric Revis

Event Series Study Plan Workshop
Strategy Free

Not sure how to start studying for the LSAT? In this workshop, you'll learn how to build an effective study plan that fits your schedule and gets you to your goal score. You'll also have the chance to get live feedback on your study plan from the instructor.

LR in Action (with Bailey and Nicole) · Bailey Luber

Event Series LR in Action
Logical Reasoning Strategy Difficulty: Advanced Pace: Fast

Join senior 7Sage LSAT instructors, Bailey and Nicole as they tackle unprepared LSAT questions in real-time, offering you a window into their thought processes and strategies while the clock is ticking. How does a top scorer approach timing differently, and which habits are most effective? You will have 3 minutes to answer each 5 star […]