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LSAT Break

keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
in General 6050 karma

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice in regards to how to resume studying after taking a break? I finished the core curriculum in December, and decided early Jan that I wasn't going to be ready for the Feb. LSAT. I also decided to postpone my LSAT studies until April, when I finish my undergrad, so that I have the time to dedicate myself to full-time studies. I was just wondering if there were any tips for keeping my brain LSAT-engaged so it doesn't feel like I have to start all over again in April. Also, how people got back into the groove of studying full-time after taking a couple months off? Any help is appreciate, thanks :)


  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @keets993 that's a tough one! I've had breaks along the way as well and it's not easy picking back up cold turkey. I felt like I had to start all over. Maybe do one LG section a week and fool proof. One or two RC passages a week and maybe 10-20 LR questions. Scale that however you need to but that's a huge gap to put everything down. If you have to then you just have to. Just know that there's a possibility that you might need more time to get back up on the horse before you can fully dive into your studies again. If you don't have a set time you've given yourself to take the test, which I don't think you should, none of this matters. It'll take as long as it takes.

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