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Hardest RC Section (PT02.S1)

Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member

Hey All,

I just took Preptest 2, Section 1 twice (once timed, once untimed) and BOTH TIMES got my butt kicked...even going through the correct answers now, I'm like "What?? How on earth is that correct?" Has anyone else taken this section and had a similar experience? Also, is anyone willing to take this section and maybe BR it together (post answers...because I have seen them)?



  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma

    I actually didn't find this section among the hardest. I thought the fourth passage was the hardest of this set, but fortunately studied military history in school and was able to engage closely. What passage did you find the hardest?

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    Which passage is being included in the RC webinar next week? Or, is it the whole section?

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    edited March 2017 877 karma

    @BinghamtonDave I am struggling with the whole section. Usually when I review RC with the correct answers, I can see why they are the correct answers and where I missed something. I am able to walk away with a plan on how to approach similar RC questions in the future. But with multiple questions in this section, from different passages, I legitimately am confused by the correct answer choices.

    @tanes256 I think we are going over the third passage (I am not 100% sure on that), which is the passage I struggled with the least. I mean, there is still one question in that passage that I am confused by, so it will be really helpful for me to review it during the webinar. However, the other passages gave me more of an issue. If we are, in fact, going over the whole section then that would be awesome.

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    You're in luck! Passage 3 is the one @"Accounts Playable" will be going over in this Sunday's RC webinar!

  • potatocowpowerpotatocowpower Free Trial Member
    148 karma

    I pm-ed you my executive summary for questions 1-13 I hope they are helpful, would probably need more information about your thought process doing the section to offer you more detailed help. Will get started on the remaining questions shortly

  • potatocowpowerpotatocowpower Free Trial Member
    148 karma

    So I sent you my thoughts for the remaining questions. If you let me know which questions exactly were problematic and what exactly about them gave you a harder time I could try and answer that

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    @potatocowpower Fantastic, thank you. I will evaluate your responses with my full attention in the next day or so and get back to you. Thanks again!

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