Ultimate Problem Sets: JY/Jonathan

ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
edited August 2014 in General 3658 karma
JY/Jonathan, would you guys mind creating an explanation video for every one of the questions in the problem sets? The questions I end up getting right have explanations whilst the ones that I end up getting wrong...don't. Thanks.


  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    445 karma

    Push. At least written explanations would facilitate our learning process (especially a legitimate request for those who are paying money for the service).

  • teechj117teechj117 Alum Member
    296 karma

    I've seen some missing explanations for the earlier PTs in the CC. You can usually find a question or explanation from a tutor or sage somewhere if you search for it. It's good to see different takes. I find it expands my understanding to that question type.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    edited September 2021 5740 karma

    @HopefullyHLS said:
    Push. At least written explanations would facilitate our learning process (especially a legitimate request for those who are paying money for the service).

    Hi there,

    We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with Feedback. I have taken note of your suggestion, and I will pass them on to my team for consideration.

    We currently have Explanation Videos for nearly every question in every PrepTest:

    • Logical Reasoning: PrepTests 17 - 89
    • Logic Games: every PrepTest ever published
    • Reading Comprehension: PrepTests 1 - 89

    If you are logged into your account, you can find all of 7Sage's Explanation Videos on this page: https://7sage.com/lsat-explanations/.

    In the meantime, for the questions that do not have a Explanation Video, you can search for any past question discussion on the Discussion Forum, by typing in the PrepTest number, section number, and question number in the search box in the following format: PT#.S#.Q#. See the GIF below where I searched for PT1.S3.Q11:


    You can also post your own discussion on the Forum. When posting a question in the Forum, please use the following formats:

    • Reading Comprehension (RC) questions: "PT#.S#.Q# (P#) - brief description of stimulus" E.g. PT60.S1.Q7 (P4) - weakened immune system cancer

    • Logic Games (LG) questions: "PT#.S#.Q# (G#) - brief description of question" E.g. PT40.S2.Q7 (G2) - could be true of the study

    • Logical Reasoning (LR) questions: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question" E.g. PT37.S1.Q12 - Political scientist: Efforts to create a more egalitarian

    You can see our Formatting Guidelines on this page.

    Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns

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