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Benefits of overtraining?

CinnamonTeaCinnamonTea Member
in General 550 karma

Hi all,

I was just curious what people's experiences were with overtraining. Specifically:

1) How do you do it? (I.e., doing timed sections with less time than required, like 30 minutes, or doing 6 section practice tests, for example?)
2) Do you find it helpful?
3) Any other overall thoughts/recommendations.

Thanks in advance.


  • fmihalic2fmihalic2 Free Trial Member
    266 karma

    Initially I thought that you were referring to working too much or studying too much.

    A six section practice may train you to have more in the tank at section 4/5.

    That said be careful with shortening your time for sections because it could create habits of sloppiness provoked by unnecessary constraints.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I've heard people swear by it and others completely detest it. In my opinion, mimic test day as closely as possible.

    Shortening time frames might prove to be helpful on drills, but I think it's best to take an treat the test like the real thing. :)

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