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Hey guys! Here's the official June LSAT Discussion Thread. Please keep all discussions of the June 2017 LSAT here!
Here's some ground rules, taken from my usual sticky:
We know that everyone will be excited to discuss what was on the June '17 LSAT, but mentioning specifics about the test (e.g., "I got B for question 6" or "the 3rd LG was sequencing") can get both us and you in a lot of trouble with LSAC. Saying that the test was hard/easy without going into detail is okay, but anything more specific is not okay. LSAC monitors this forum.
If you're unsure what may be too specific, feel free to PM me with what you'd like to post.
The only exception is you can say which sections were real or experimental. For example, the LG with "flowers" was experimental. That's okay.
TL;DR: PLEASE don't talk specifics about June's LSAT!
Here's where you can see the current Real/Experimental Sections:
Have fun discussing!
I got the sofa (bonus points if you know what this means)!
Good luck everyone! I am rooting for all of you!
Good luck all! Can't wait to hear about the new virus game!
Shh... Don't scare them!
@Mellow_Z Yeah, there is no way to know which section was experimental without sharing info with other test takers. Sometimes, you can tell an LG section is experimental because it is WAY too easy or it had like 4 of the same game type. The test writers are not nice enough to give us 4 basic ordering games on a real section.
I think @"Dillon A. Wright" is referring to a situation where one student who had two LGs tells everyone which LG was experimental after hearing from a student with one LG which one was real. This is allowed because it is taking place after the test and will not impact performance or reveal copyrighted information.
@Mellow_Z and @"Dillon A. Wright" Not all virus games are bad. There is Pandemic, Outbreak, A Virus Named Tom, Contagion, Plague Inc., and many others that are fine virus games. They are also cheap on Steam.
@"Dillon A. Wright" Oh no you didn't! We do not mention dinosaurs around here!
Lol I ninja edited it because I came to realize that if enough people post then you can eventually conclude which are which. Thanks for the info and for confirming!
@Mellow_Z Lol. People are eager to compere sections and figure out if the game involving quantum physics and sorting sub-atomic particles by mass, composition, and year of discovery is experimental. If this kind of game was ever on an LSAT, it would sadly be real, probably. Don't worry people. Because I am not taking this test, the LSAT writers will not do this. They are saving it for me in case I retake.
Gif game is lit ITT lol
Good luck guys! East Coast should be heading to the TCs right about now. Put your game faces on, play your pump up music, and go kill it!
You are the MJ of LSAT, and you've been coached by @"J.Y. Ping" who is the Phil Jackson of LSAT. You got this.
AMEN! Luck is last dying wish of the unprepared... you guys don't need it and got this! Kill it
Looks like people are getting out of the test now. Let us know how you felt!
I hope all the games were back to normal games from like the 50s haha
@"Dillon A. Wright" can we get a poll please
Sure! Making one.
I didn't take but just wanted to say sup
how many section in the test? 4or 5?
5 + writing sample
Thank you. So we cannot talk about what are the sections we got? I thought it is ok to say things like I got 2 LG.
I had 2 RCs. The first had a passage regarding Wynton Marsalis/jazz, while the other had a passage about Ancient North America structures based off of astronomy/supernova. Which section was the test section?
@goaddw what LG?
And jazz is real
Grooming, lg, real or fake?
Urban rural magazine lg real or fake?
Sweet baby Jesus, I aced that RC. I am confident I did. LG with 5 tasks was real.
That's fine.
5 tasks?
As in props, wardrobe etc?
@mymouthonvacation The latter was for real. So, U or R.
Fantastic. Shit was easy.
Appreciate it.
Check the list before asking questions, it might be there!
Wait the U or R was real?????? I might be canceling my score otherwise! I had to GUESS for 5-7 questions on the other LR
The grooming problem was garbage.
The one was UR Magazine
Obstacle Course
And I'm not sure about this third one.
So I had three LRs. Two of them had 25 questions each and one had 26 questions. Is the one with 26 real?
Someone who had no experimental LG please verify if the following is real:
Urban Rural Magazine / Travellers & Cities (Tokyo, Sydney, Manila) / Obstacle Course
Amusement Parks
5 Tasks/Wardrobe, Props
it is just me have 3 section of LR?
You cannot tell based on question amounts alone. See the link for what we have confirmed for LR.
To be clear: urban magazine, obstacle course and cities (Tokyo, syndney, Manila) were all one section. .
I don't remember the fourth for that.
Grooming, and the 5 tasks, were in the same section.
Just finished the test. Had one reading comp section and I remember two passages: jazz, judges/evidence. Had two logic games sections. One section had a circle game that was tricky, and I think a puppy/kitten question (based on convos after test pretty sure this section was experimental). Other logic game section had a question about trips to Manila, Tokyo, Sydney (pretty sure this section was real). I had two logic games sections one with 25 questions and the other with 26 so the 26 question one is definitely real.
Thanks, editing my post.
Had two RC sections, one about jazz, psychologists and I can't quite remember what was in the second one but have a feeling it was the experimental.
In my games section I had magazines (urban/rural), Manila/Tokyo/Sydney and amusement parks question. I found the LG to be pretty straightforward actually.
That's what I thought too. I for the life of me don't remember a kitty puppy question.
Also hoping that I did as well on the LSAT as Crosby did last night...a girl can dream
Beautiful. Thanks.
Jazz real.
Am I misremembering or was the amusement parks one an obstacle course game?
Also, the one question for logic games was a carbon copy of one in test prep.
Down to the letters for diagramming.