Can anyone explain to me in detail why "some" statements with negations in them are reversible? For example, "A some /B" or "/A some B"
I've been reviewing the lessons on some and most relationships, but I'm getting caught up over the reversibility of some statements with negations in them. It just doesn't make sense to me...maybe it's just a concept that needs to sink in?
Any help will be appreciated!
So A<--s-->/B tells us that there is at least 1 A and possibly all A's that are not a B.
So like JY explains it:
As you can see there are some A's that are not B's. But just from A some /B, we cannot infer that some things that are not A's are B's. Because it could be that case that some A's are not Bs, but All B's are A's.
So in sum: A<--s--> /B
Correct inference: Some A's are not B's or Some things that are NOT B are A
Incorrect: Somethings that are NOT A are B. (For reasons stated above)