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Falling behind

law hopefullaw hopeful Member
in General 65 karma

I upgraded my LSAT course and now it says I'm weeks behind when I checked my study schedule! I'm panicking :( There's no way I could catch up on 40+ hours in one week... (work, other commitments, etc.) What should I do?


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Breath! You are not actually behind - you just have access to more stuff. You went from like 10 to 24 practice tests that you now have added to your work load. You also have more drills added that they calculate taking a certain amount of time.

    The course calculates the time it takes to take these test and problem sets into your hours. You don't have to take every single test! Just make sure you stay focused on the CC, are getting the core concepts, and are learning to apply them to the test. The actual information on how to solve problems, do blind review, foolproof etc is the same!

    And lastly if you don't feel ready - don't rush to take the test. Take it only once you feel like you are ready!!

  • law hopefullaw hopeful Member
    65 karma

    @LSATcantwin Ah, thank you for explaining that to me :)

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