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I just came across this explanation and I realized how much J.Y.'s humor has had a positive impact on keeping me upbeat while studying over this past year. Here's a post to appreciate the Yoda of the LSAT study.
Hopefully other 7sagers can share their favorite explanations too.
At 0:40 - "What about your prostitution budget how much has that gone up by."
Haha yeah, J.Y has some really funny moments in his exps
To bad the Sith are way cooler than the Jedi. I think it's time for a picture change....
Too many to name, haha. I'm going to think about it tonight and edit my post when I can finally narrow it down to one "moment." @apublicdisplay that's a great one btw!
I can't remember what question it was, but the commentary on cats was golden. I had tears from that one!!
This one?
I can't remember what question, but when J.Y. was analyzing some answer choices he read one and said "Yes. Wow. Thank you for that amazingly useless information."
I still think that in my head when I come across atrocious answer choices and get a little chuckle.
Haha! Thank you for this @akistotle I was looking for it last night. JY's humor is one of my favorite things about 7Sage. It definitely makes the long hours prepping more enjoyable.
Oh my gosh yes this entire video had me rolling lol. He makes learning so fun sometimes.
PT 72 Game 4
"And this is game where everyone is like, 'What the fuck is happening to me right now?'"
Could hear him say that as I started the PT 81Inference RC passage...
I just love how in PT77 Game 3 (I haven't done the game but I just watched this specific part), J.Y. takes 2 mins before the game to just tell you "listen, it's OK, stay calm, you got this!"
JY is the voice of our generation. #nothyperbole
This is by far the funniest one.
I've always wanted 7Sage Merch with these. Fuck seagulls. Always shitting everywhere.
Overall, when an answer has nothing to do with the argument, it's hell a funny when you doesn't read the entire AC and crosses it out.
I'd rock that on a snapback, haha
I never wanted something more in my whole life.
"This is like the nicest way ever to say they are just idiots. No you moron, you mean to say you tasted sweet not blue." - J.Y. Ping
Hahaha! That's one of my favorites too
I remember that one! haha ^
THIS IS WHAT WE NEED. I would so wear this to the September LSAT.
Or maybe you can be this kind guy who teaches what the LSAT is to everyone at the same testing center?
Excellent @akistotle lol.
Just let me know where to order haha!
he says we have been abused by the test writers hahahaha. it's true, but he does say it's not in bad intentions... I don't believe him!!!! xD
Not as hilarious as the seagulls quote which I totally remembered but this is pretty funny too.
"Of course we don't want to send them to mars. We don't want to send corpses to Mars. That doesn't make any sense."
There's a really funny one about an AC that has some birds acting in a really nasty way to some other creatures, but try as I may I can't find it now.
I'm about to start a 7Sage clothing line. Hats, Shirts, and Custom Pencils
please do! haha
I'd rock a snapback and a shirt tbh
that is the greatest shirt I have ever seen in my life :')
I'm sure if we keep coming up with all of these great ideas 7sage will have no choice but to expand to having merch! I'd seriously consider wearing a cool 7Sage shirt. Why not!?
We actually have merch, though Nicole was running it so I'm not sure if it's still around. I have a cool 7Sage mug and throw pillow.
I think it's still around!
I just made it my goal in life to EARN that 180 mug
Just got my motivation.
I> @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
This merch is actually amazing.
Bumping this.
^The little quips J.Y. makes making fun of t-rex had me lolling in the library
There are soo many. this thread made me smile thx!
I can't remember the specific logic game but JY was just like F***! it may be the one above but it was hilarious. i hear his commentary in my head when I knock out ans choices lol.
I would buy that. LOL (at 5:14)
His only comments on D : "Okay...well that's nice. Really...that's nice. I'm glad I know that now." "IF YOU DON'T KNOW CONDITIONALS YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS DOING THIS TEST" - LOL.
Whenever I listen to JY's explanations I just laugh. His humor helps a lot!
This is my favorite so far!
"We used to think there was some promiscuous old man sitting on top of Mount Olympus just throwing lightning and thunder bolts. Now, lo and behold we investigated and turns out it's true. We met him. One of our researchers had sex with him."
Thank you everyone for this amazing post
Legit just laughing at this thread then said " Ok time to actually study" I turn this bad boy on and get another funny J.Y moment :
"I get to go have some delicious cow in my mouth"
"These rules are so laid back they are probably off getting high somewhere"
"Is your body a swamp?"