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LG and RC Skipping Strategies

AidoeAidoe Free Trial Member
in General 236 karma

What are good skipping strategies for questions on Logic Games and Reading Comp? Unlike LR, LG and RC sections require a certain investment in either a game or a passage so there's a kind of loss when you skip and come back at the very end to address those questions which are entirely dependent on a game or passage.

Also, is there a cutoff time or something else that goes into your determination for skipping on LG and RC?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2017 23929 karma

    For LG: I recommend skipping more strategically; this means skipping global MBT questions and the like in order to tackle questions that give you additional information. These are not only generally easier, but they often require you to construct new game boards or make new inferences which can be helpful for answering the other questions. If I feel like a particular question is taking too long (maybe over 1:45) I'll circle it and skip. Hopefully on LG you have a few minutes once you're done to check answers and return to anything you've skipped.

    For RC: Here I skip completely based on time. If I'm having trouble eliminating 2-3 ACs, and time is approaching :45 seconds, (the average time I allow myself per RC question) then I make an educated guess and skip likely knowing I probably won't have time to return. Better to bank some time and try my hand at the next passage.

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