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Question for My Lsat family

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

I have been studying since last September.
My fundamentals are rock solid, i am generally scoring a 178 to 180 during BR. My target score is A 170+.I have hit my target multiple times I have a couple of 174s some 172/173s.

However, I still have a ton of material that I haven't touched yet.

My timing has started to slow down I'm not feeling as confident as i would like, and my RC scores are volatile(anywhere between -3/-7)

I planned on taking september so i could apply early and have december as backup.
However now i am having second thoughts on September.

December is the last time i can take bc i am set on applying this cycle.

Any advice on if i should push it off or take?

P.s. I took the dec 16 exam, so i have one score in the books.


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    I can count on my fingers how many days until the Sept test...

    I DON'T WANNA....

    Sorry this is all I've currently got in me...

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Don't let doubt creep in! You got this, brother!

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma

    As objectively as I can look at this, it seems you are absolutely capable of hitting 170+ on the exam. I believe the problem is that RC might hold you back a bit come test day. Or, RC might not hold you back come test day: a -3 or a -2 is a very respectable RC score that elite test takers I know would be happy with. That is how I see the situation in a nutshell.

    More specifically, I think it is fair to assume that for the forthcoming exam, reaching your goal score is predicted on having a "good day" on RC.

    Given these facts, it is my recommendation to spend the next week or so hammering away some weaknesses in your approach and get that RC score down to a -2/-4 if you can. What are your weaknesses on RC? If you need to: look at the last 15 analogy questions on RC passages, really dig into things. That should strengthen your approach and give you the confidence for test day and hopefully give you enough space to comfortably score your goal score.

    This is really fragile advice because I don't want you to burn out. Ideally, we want to be where you are right now, 40 days from the exam, hammer things home for 4 weeks or so and cruise to a score we are happy with come test day relaxed and refreshed. Your journey might be different than that ideal, but you are entirely capable of doing it in an abridged time fashion.

    Best of luck and keep us posted

  • apawalterapawalter Member
    357 karma

    I agree you can do this!!!

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hey thanks for the support. @BinghamtonDave this seems to be my issue; deep inference questions, and analogy questions.
    I feel abit fragile in that a hard passage or game could throw my score.

    If someone told me that by december, with hard work, i could nail down my RC to a consistent -2/-3 nm what they throw at me, i would 100% postpone.

    Another concern of mine is that i have a lot of material that i havent seen or done justice to yet.

    I swore to myself after decembers exam that i wouldnt sit down for the test until i had the LSAT on the floor begging for mercy. I just dont feel as confident as i would like.

    My only qualm abt pushing it off is that then i become slave to whatever LSAC decides to throw at me come december, vs taking september i can sort of game the system by having abit of a choice

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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