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Length of the Application Process

David1234David1234 Alum Member
edited September 2017 in Law School Admissions 61 karma

I was hoping to get a sense of how long I can expect it to take to complete the application process. I understand that this is completely subjective and based on each person, but I am trying to figure out how realistic it will be for me to apply this cycle.

I was planning to take the September LSAT but I am not currently scoring as high as I would like. At this point I can expect between a160-165, the numbers indicate I will be on the lower side. I had a 3.82 undergrad GPA and I would rather not squander that with a mediocre LSAT. I have spent today contemplating if I should postpone until December, but this made me realize that if I did I would not have much time to actually complete the applications once I get my score. I understand there are some portions I might be able to complete before I take the test, but in effect that will take away time from actually prepping. I was really hoping to not need to wait another year before law school, but I am now thinking it is something I might have to consider.

Edit - One other question, will a school look consider the fact that someone already applied and got rejected during a previous cycle?


  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    So I don't know how long the review process takes. But I just sent in my transcripts and whatnot yesterday. This can take ~2-3 weeks to process (including the time it takes your university registrar to mail over your transcripts; try to be proactive about this and get them to mail the same day you contact them).

    Should you take the LSAT in September, it will be viewable ~October 12th - roughly a month from now. Once that is in, everything is on your end and processing time shouldn't be a problem (letters of rec, personal statement, etc.)

    Then you just wait for the review process. If you turned in your apps by mid-October, I've heard you may hear as early as November, but that's anecdotal.

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