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Hey guys! Here's the official Feb. LSAT Discussion Thread. Please keep all discussions of the Feb. 2017 LSAT here!
Here's some ground rules, taken from my usual sticky:
We know that everyone will be excited to discuss what was on the Sept. '17 LSAT, but mentioning specifics about the test (e.g., "I got B for question 6" or "the 3rd LG was sequencing") can get both us and you in a lot of trouble with LSAC. Saying that the test was hard/easy without going into detail is okay, but anything more specific is not okay. LSAC monitors this forum.
If you're unsure what may be too specific, feel free to PM me with what you'd like to post.
The only exception is you can say which sections were real or experimental. For example, the LG with "flowers" was experimental. That's okay.
TL;DR: PLEASE don't talk specifics about September's LSAT!
Here's where you can see the current Real/Experimental Sections:
Have fun discussing!
I took it overseas. Just finished. Was not good! I'm considering just canceling & sticking to my June score. Don't worry if you took it in the US. Tests overseas most probably are different.
People are coming out! Tell us how you did and give us a small description of some of the questions.
Something like:
This LG question was about dog owners and cat owners
This LR question was about shrimp and lemon
I had 2 RC. One had a passage about astronomy and the other had a passage about judges' opinions. Anyone who can shed light on which was real would be very appreciated.
The Judge's Opinions one was real. Astronomy is experimental.
Legit LG: sequencing foods, students to projects, investigators to suspects.
LR: 25 and 26 questions - [removed]
Judge's Opinion RC (holy hard)
LG: [removed] game about interviewing
LR: 3-5 cups of tea is good
(I thought RC was REALLY challenging)
What experimental did you guys have? @jackigoe @HesusChrist
Reading comp. LR was legit.
Did you get one about assigning students to advisors?
Had 2 RC sections - one contained the passage on Judges, and the other had a section on forest conservation. Seems the judge section was the real one.
Found the logic games to be pretty difficult as well, but the LR wasn't that difficult.
All in all, glad to be finally done. My watch is finally over.
For LG, yes.
Had three LRs. First had one about perimeter lights and vandalism. Second had one re: cost of energy use in rooms. Third (I think) had one about an art critic and opera. Could very well be confusing the last one with the second, though.
So these were your four for LG?
-Types of Food/Specials in Different Restaurants
-Ordering Students to Advisors
-Matching Students to Assignments
I'll remember more as I think about it but at very least:
LR1 - moose and deer; modern usages of land measurement
LR2 - can’t remember
LR3 - bike sharing; meteorologists’ forecasts
RC1 - native language preservation; judges’ honesty; Freud/Marx; can’t remember the other
I thought the RC was unusually difficult, and L1 (for me) was harder than the other two. Not sure which was experimental.
Had two RCs. Found the judges one super difficult and Forrest conservation was fair. LG was stupid easy and LR was difficult but fair.
I had LR, LG, LR, (break) LR, RC
Can anyone confirm which LR was the expert. one? (My last LR section had [removed] question as the last question)
Also, for RC the judges was the real one and for games the one with students with advisors was real.
Judges opinion made no sense to me. Ugh RC!!!
That last LR was legit.
I had LR as experimental @"Dillon A. Wright"
The forest rc was real
What about films and theatres? We have some misinfo somewhere, having people with no experimental LG saying films/theatres and investigators/suspects.
Is it safe to assume that the Florida testers waiting for the make up will have a different test than the one just administered?
I had 3 LR. 2 lr and lg before the break. The first 2 lr were easy. I misread a rule on lg, went back, dwelled on it, run out of time
this killed my vibe and made me decide to cancel, so I halfassed the last lr and rc. Rc first 2 passages weren't bad. My third lr was very time consuming. Note to self : TIME YOUR PRACTICE MORE RIGOROUSLY
It's likely.
2LG,1RC (Judge honesty), 2LR (one contains moose, the other contains Jazz and translate voice to text ). The last game piece of the first LG is very hard for me, which is about two authors of a book. But I cannot recall details about them.
I'm hoping the judges RC section was experimental. It was brutal
I also thought LR was on the medium to harder side and LG was easier
one of my lr has Perimeter Lights/Vandalism
I had 3 LR, there was one with the joggers and the student dress code which I think might have been the experimental for LR.
Which one is safer? Cancel or see your score and risk having a low score on the record
when will today's test pt be released?
Games I thought were insanely easy... but the reading comp was a killer. The judge passage was insane.
As already determined, Judges RC was real (on par with Eileen Gray IMO), the investigators/suspects LG was real. Had 3 LR.
3LR : I personally found the first one much more difficult than the others
RC: Judges, Forest
LG: Witnesses, Movie Theater, Student assignments
Maybe a dumb question but will all students that had 3LR receive the experimental section in the same order? I saw above some found the last section of LR the hardest while I believe the first was the most difficult.
Hey @rene4231 did you have the jogger and dress code question as your second LR?
Daaaamn I was really hoping for the easier RC section to be the legit one
That judges opinion passage was...interesting.
had 2 lg... the first lg was section 1 and brutal. Remember a question about visiting 2 cities in an order. 3rd section had my second lg. I rmebeer the first game in the 3rd section had 7 questions which I viewed as rare
Was hoping the same thing for RC but evidently the judges section was real. If you need me I'll be crying forever! Also agree about LR and LG.
Literally considering canceling over how bad the RC was. Like the first article I remember being very fair and the rest was a train wreck.
Judge's RC was insane. Both of my RC science passages were very, very easy. But the Judge's RC (third passage of the set, fourth section) was the hardest law passage I've ever done.
This is funny, I didn't realize people got different experimental sections. I thought we all got the same one!
I got two LG. Do we know which LG was the legit one? I feel I did better on the second LG
For those of you that did the judges opinion on RC, it was the one that counted cause I did it too
@"Dillon A. Wright" , funnily,I'm having trouble remembering what the themes of the games were. LOL. Usually when I do LG I only register letters and slots.
SAME had 3 LRs. First LR was brutal. 25 questions and didn't finish the last one. I don't think that all LRs are presented in order though.
Also didn't have an LR with a removed question.
I've never 100% finished an LG section and been secure with my answers within the given time. Until today. So, that's both a small victory for me and a testament to the level of difficulty (or lack of difficulty) of the LG section.
i had 3 LRs as well. definitely had the one w/ the perimeter lights & vandalism.
i also had one abt deer & population in/decrease..anyone have that one too?
trying to think of other questions i had but it just all went to fast..
lol same... they called 15 minutes when I got to my last game.
I had 3 LRs and didn't have any with a removed question.
LR lights/vandalism was real