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Hey everyone,
I was wondering if there is any interest out there to also blind review the hardest RC passage together each time we do a PT . Maybe we can set aside one separate day to do this. On previous RC tutoring sessions I have noticed blind reviewing RC to take at most 2 hours. I am working on seeing what time we can do this by seeing openings on 7sage calendar. I hope to find an opening on Sunday.
Let me know if there is any interest out there to do this.
Thanks for all the interest. I went ahead and scheduled the blind review RC meetings for every Sunday at 7 pm. Please treat this blind review call the same as our LR calls by not checking your answers before hand. Also, please have a clean copy of the section and a pencil with you. We will first read the passage together and do low-high resolution summaries and then do the questions under time before going over them as a group.
Here is the link to the meeting. Just click the link at the specified date and time and I will see you there.
70 Plus Series (December LSAT Study Group)
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United States: +1 (669) 224-3412
Access Code: 305-261-573
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I'm open to it.
I'm in!
I'm down
Yes, please! I need this
Yes please!
great idea
Im Interested Sami. RC is my weakness.
Interested but what is your time zone/ Standard Time, please?
This will be at 7 pm eastern time.
I said I’m interested but I realized that I can’t take PT78 yet...sorry. Have fun!
I know.
I was wondering about that. lol
But I’m always “interested” in your sessions because they are amazing! 
Thank you
. I always like having you.
"lol" because I know we have spoken about your PT schedule before.
I know! lol (You probably know my PT schedule better than I do)
lol. It's true. I do know your PT schedule better

I will be there