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Retake?? Tutor recommendations

westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
in General 3788 karma

Hi guys,

I got my September Exam score back and although I'm relieved I improved, (1 point), I would still like to improve a couple more points to get more scholarship money and have a better chance at my reach schools. My diagnostic was a 140 and my highest official score is a 161. I already took the exam four times so I'm a bit worried about potentially having a fifth take. Which tutor would you guys recommend for improving in RC and LR in particular? If possible, I would prefer a tutor who started from a similar diagnostic as me. I dropped the ball in LR, (minus 8 in section 1 and minus 6 in section 4), even though I usually get around minus 3 and minus 4 for each LR section.

Also, would I still be able to negotiate higher financial aid offers if I sent in my applications before my retake in December? I was planning to send out applications to my target schools prior to the retake.


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