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Is It Too Late?

RJmazo14RJmazo14 Alum Member

So I was really hoping that my Sept score would be enough for me to comfortably apply to the schools that I'm targeting but, like many of those who sat for the exam, I left discouraged and fell short of the score I wanted. After waiting that month to get my score back, it has taken a lot out of me to get back into the study grind. Is a month and a half (mid Oct - Dec exam) enough time to see an increase in score (hoping for 5-7 point improvement)?

The point: I graduated from undergrad a couple years ago and if I wait to apply next cycle, that would essentially mean I'd be starting law school at the age of 27. Is that too late? And furthermore graduating from LS at 30? I really want to apply this cycle but I also don't want to rush this process and risk bad study habits along the way for the sole purpose of forcing my application. Also, I don't want to apply any later than after the Dec scores come out bc of scholarship money etc, etc.

Is anyone in the same boat as me or have any advice? The December exam is QUICKLY approaching and I'm not sure what to do. Help


  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    27 is not too late, and in the big picture, there's really no difference between 27 and 28. So, if I were you, I wouldn't feel like I absolutely had to apply this cycle.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    First - I think a 5-7 score improvement is possible - but only with extensive practice. Figure out your weak points, continute practicing all others and go for it. Then, if you are PT-ing DOUBLE your goal score by the time December rolls around then yes, I say take it. I say DOUBLE because scores tend to fall from your PT scores and I learned, from being on this forum, to shoot for double your goal score. If you get the score you want in the Dec test then I say yes, go for it and apply.

    Now, if you are not PT-in in the range you want then I say wait. Its SOOO hard to make that decision. I made it a few weeks ago and will be testing in either Feb or June. I'm hoping to be ready for Feb but if not, then June it is and if so, I will have to skip a cycle.

    Now, here's the kicker - I am in my 40's. Soooo, no dear, 27 is not too old. I ask myself that question regularly but this is something that I really want, its my dream and I do not feel old. I have a plan and until I exhaust all avenues, I will continue on with that plan.

    Best of luck to you.

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    Now, here's the kicker - I am in my 40's. Soooo, no dear, 27 is not too old. I ask myself that question regularly but this is something that I really want, its my dream and I do not feel old. I have a plan and until I exhaust all avenues, I will continue on with that plan.

    Wow! That's great. Good luck.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Depends. Was your miss due to execution or knowledge gaps? It may be difficult to answer that question objectively but i’s important because t will guide how you study.

    As for age, I feel you but try not to sweat it. I’ll be a few years older than you when I start. It’s fine. Really. I think it is an arbitrary timeline we hold ourselves to as NT students. In the end, the differenof a few years means little

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @uhinberg said:

    Now, here's the kicker - I am in my 40's. Soooo, no dear, 27 is not too old. I ask myself that question regularly but this is something that I really want, its my dream and I do not feel old. I have a plan and until I exhaust all avenues, I will continue on with that plan.

    Wow! That's great. Good luck.


  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    No not too late. Gal in her 30s here and many others on the site who will be starting school at an older age.

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    Don't sweat the age. I'll be in my 30's when I apply in the next cycle. Early in my prep I heard a law school grad say they've met a lot of people who wish they had taken more time before law school, and literally zero who say they wish they started sooner.

  • CoffeeBeansCoffeeBeans Member
    81 karma

    31 here and probably wouldn't start law school till I'm 33

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6868 karma

    When I was a 1L at the age of 21, one of my classmates was a 32-year-old Korean dude. Met him at orientation. You know what we called him?

    Our friend.

  • RJmazo14RJmazo14 Alum Member
    94 karma

    @jkatz1488 said:
    Depends. Was your miss due to execution or knowledge gaps? It may be difficult to answer that question objectively but i’s important because t will guide how you study.

    As for age, I feel you but try not to sweat it. I’ll be a few years older than you when I start. It’s fine. Really. I think it is an arbitrary timeline we hold ourselves to as NT students. In the end, the differenof a few years means little

    It was definitely more knowledge gaps than execution, but obviously both played a part. After taking the Sept exam, I realized how important timing on each question is. On the other hand, I went into it knowing that I was gonna struggle big time on RC and was very weak with certain LR question types.

    I also work full time so would a good way of studying be to PT and BR on weekends and drill, drill, drill on the weekdays? It's tough to get PTs done on work days and I feel like im not helping myself by taking PTs after work when my mind is already drained.

  • RJmazo14RJmazo14 Alum Member
    94 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:
    First - I think a 5-7 score improvement is possible - but only with extensive practice. Figure out your weak points, continute practicing all others and go for it. Then, if you are PT-ing DOUBLE your goal score by the time December rolls around then yes, I say take it. I say DOUBLE because scores tend to fall from your PT scores and I learned, from being on this forum, to shoot for double your goal score. If you get the score you want in the Dec test then I say yes, go for it and apply.

    Now, if you are not PT-in in the range you want then I say wait. Its SOOO hard to make that decision. I made it a few weeks ago and will be testing in either Feb or June. I'm hoping to be ready for Feb but if not, then June it is and if so, I will have to skip a cycle.

    Now, here's the kicker - I am in my 40's. Soooo, no dear, 27 is not too old. I ask myself that question regularly but this is something that I really want, its my dream and I do not feel old. I have a plan and until I exhaust all avenues, I will continue on with that plan.

    Best of luck to you.

    Thank you!! This is actually so awesome to hear.

  • Paul PedersonPaul Pederson Member
    903 karma

    Im 34, plan on starting L1 this august. My plt sgt back in the Marines didn't start L1 until his late 30s. Its never too late. You will be fine.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Checking in with all the others, I’m 33 and am in a similar boat, may also push back a cycle. I’m diving in though, going to apply this year and if offers/$$ aren’t what I need, then I’ll re-apply next year.

    I say just keep plugging along and general theory is that your actual score will be +/- 3 points from your regular PT score, but it seems like the swing is even more like 5-7. So you want to be PTing about 5-7 points above what you think you need to cover that.

    Also, yeah I’m full time working too and that’s a reasonable plan. I’m mixing between drilling question types and doing timed sections during the week, and then will do a full PT with BR on the weekends. Today I did a timed section before work and another timed on my lunch hour. Decided to take this evening off (feeling that slight edge of burn out) and will review them tomorrow, and maybe do some question type drilling. So far that has been working for me. I think the number of full timed PTs doesn’t have to be that high. Once per week on the weekends is enough.

  • kyoungy_kyoungy_ Live Member
    edited October 2017 73 karma

    Late 30s here. This thread is so encouraging - just what I needed. Best of luck to everyone!

    ps. I'm going to make this thread my starting page on my Google Chrome.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"Jonathan Wang" said:
    When I was a 1L at the age of 21, one of my classmates was a 32-year-old Korean dude. Met him at orientation. You know what we called him?

    Our friend.

    Jonathan - thank you for this!

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    @"Jonathan Wang" said:
    When I was a 1L at the age of 21, one of my classmates was a 32-year-old Korean dude. Met him at orientation. You know what we called him?

    Our friend.

    It's awesome to see @"Jonathan Wang" back on the forum. Everything he says, LSAT related, is absolute gold.

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