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Improving on RC

The RC section was my best section, but that has dramatically changed. I want to improve by 5 points on the RC section before December 2nd. I'm at -9 right now on average. Probably not possible I understand, but a I gotta try. My problem is not timing at all. It's the questions. My top three missed are infer authors perspective, recognition, and application analogy. Any tips or strategies at all would be very helpful! Thanks!


  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    edited November 2017 378 karma

    The only answer I can give you based on my experience is to make sure you are doing RC every day timed, blind reviewing it and then watching the explanation videos to see where you can improve. Doing RC, like this entire test, is kind of like going to the gym... if you don't use it, you lose it. But if you exercise those same muscles every day, it will eventually become easier, you will notice patterns and the load will become lighter. Also, make sure you are logging your progress in a spreadsheet. With RC, everyone's strategy tends to differ based on their preferences but maybe a different notation strategy could work for you, so consider that. Have you watched Nicole's video on notation strategies? Take note of the types of passages that are causing you the most trouble and use the analytics tool to target practice those particular ones as well.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited November 2017 23929 karma

    @"" said:
    The RC section was my best section, but that has dramatically changed. I want to improve by 5 points on the RC section before December 2nd. I'm at -9 right now on average. Probably not possible I understand, but a I gotta try. My problem is not timing at all. It's the questions. My top three missed are infer authors perspective, recognition, and application analogy. Any tips or strategies at all would be very helpful! Thanks!

    More than anything, watching JY's lessons on RC and doing the passages in real time has been invaluable to my improvement.

    Try doing some untimed RC and see if you're still having trouble with these same question types. Practice writing out explanations that include things like:

    Low-resolution summary

    High-resolution summary


    If you get really good at doing these things, even untimed, I think your mind will automatically start doing it while you take timed PTs/sections.

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