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PT question

tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
edited September 2014 in General 2573 karma
Quick question. I've only taken the initial pretest. I've been through the syllabus once but that was some time ago due to various reasons. I plan on signing up for December. Should I go ahead and begin on PT? At this point they won't be timed but I think I need to start figuring out my weaknesses. I was thinking about taking the PT and referring to the lessons when necessary. Does that make much sense, or should I continue to make my way through the entire syllabus again before taking PT?


  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    I think taking a PT is not a bad idea -- it'll give you a sense of how much you've forgotten since you went through the curriculum. It may be that you only have a few weak spots, and don't need to review the whole thing; on the other hand, you may need to rebuild from the ground up. No way to know other than jumping in!
  • iiiSpooniiiSpoon Alum Inactive ⭐
    277 karma
    I was in the same position as you, tanes25, in that I had gone through the entire syllabus once, but for various reasons stopped and then started once again. Personally, because I felt I had rushed the syllabus before, I chose to redo the entire lesson plan. Depending on how long your interregnum was, you may want to simply go through the syllabus, and answer several questions from each category of each section LR, LG, and RC (for example, 1-2 from MP, 1-2 from Strengthen, etc) so that you get a feel for how you are in terms of understanding of the material. I hope this helps.
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