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Major Slump before test day

jaswaffojaswaffo Free Trial Member
in General 27 karma

Hey yall!
So in the past two weeks I went from scoring 21 average right per section to less than 14 and I have no idea what gives. I'm obviously mega stressed as my test is Tuesday (mine was moved due to accommodations). Any advice on how to keep my head up? It's really a struggle and I'm becoming really scared


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    This sounds like burnout. You need to relax! Pick your favorite thing that doesn’t involve lsat and do that for awhile. Try and rest and relax. If you keep working through it you’ll probably just hurt yourself! Take a day or two off and try and calm yourself and nerves down. You know what you are capable of!

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