Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Resume Formatting Mistake-- Should I Resubmit? - 7Sage Forum

Resume Formatting Mistake-- Should I Resubmit?

Hi there! I’m late to the application game and just submitted the first half of my apps. Only to realize... I sent an old draft of my resume (really dumb mistake, I know). Everything is up to date, but I wrote my present tense parts in third person. Throughout college, I was taught to use third person on resumes, but only recently learned that it’s not preferred. There’s also a minor formatting issue on that version (something is bullet pointed that should have been a subheader... but I re-read it like 12 times without noticing and considered making it a bullet point beforehand, anyway).

My question is: should I email an updated resume to those schools? I submitted to my biggest reach schools and my safe schools. Will they care about the third person thing? And if I do resubmit, should I do it today or wait a little bit (I literally just send the apps in last night)? I asked some people on Reddit, and they said I should be fine. But a dream school that I feel like I have a solid chance at got the bad resume, so I'm still a little nervous.

Thanks for the help!


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    I wouldn't hold off too long on sending the correction. I would suggest that you examine all the documents you submitted to make sure you didn't make any errors, and followed the guidelines the individual schools placed. After you do that, I would send an email asking to update your file.

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